Chapter 4: Getting The Story Straight

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"Have we met?..." he seemed genuinely confused. How was he confused?! I saw him exactly 2 weeks ago! I can't believe he can forget things like that in a matter of 2 weeks! I walked away and he followed me, "Seriously, do I know you?" 

"A little over 2 weeks ago, I went to your concert here. I met you. You're a douche-bag. A total asshole. And of you don't decline your role, I'll decline mine," my voice was the antithesis of steady. 

"Look, Miss, I really don't know you!" He sounded like he was begging. 

"Then you haven't looked at me. My hair isn't exactly forgettable," I raised an eyebrow and he raised his head to look at me, moving his bangs a little. I saw his heart break as his face fell.

I ran to the bathroom as Andy called for me, and forced myself to throw up. Then I went back and told Tim Burton, "I'm so sorry. I had bad shellfish earlier..." 

"Well you go home, Miss Franklin, and we'll continue without you for today. Don't worry about it; you had no way of knowing," Mr. Burton smiled at me and I left with a weak smile. I cried all the way to my car and the whole way home.

When I got home, I ran to my room, slammed the door, and called Jinxx. Sammi answered, "Hello?" 

"Hey Sammi, it's Ariana. Can I talk to Jinxx?" 

"Of course! Is everything okay, Sis?" 

"Yes and no..." 

"Well here you go," Sammi was a sweetheart! I loved her and was SO glad she and Jinxx were engaged. "Thanks, Sammi." 

"Hey, Ari?!? I haven't heard from you in 2 weeks! I was afraid something happened to you, or you just never wanted to talk to us again." 

"Oh god, Jinxxy, I could never not talk to you again. You should know that! But I have a question. And I'm pissed," my voice grew stern. 

"What?" Jinxx was nervous. 

"Why didn't you tell me Andy got the role for Jack? I told you I got the part for Sally! Why didn't you tell me he was Jack?! I would've dropped the role!! But instead, I got to walk in and start my lines, and see his face! I ran out of there!! Andy confronted me and asked why I was so unhappy. He didn't recognize me!! And I said that I went to your concert. He still didn't know! I had to make him look at me, and he immediately fell apart!! The. I ran to the bathroom, forced myself to puke, and told Tim Burton I had bad shellfish. So he told me to go home! Do you know how AWFUL that is when I'm the LEAD and I have to tell TIM BURTON that I can't do it today?!?! WHY THE FUCK DID NO ONE TELL ME THAT ANDY GOT THE ROLE OF JACK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" 

"...... We didn't want you to drop the most important role of your life... We figured this could land you in the big-time. And we didn't want you to drop it," Jinxx sounded really hurt and guilty. 

"And why did Andy not recognize me?" 

"None of us have heard your voice in 2 weeks, and even then, we've only heard it for a total of 2 days. So it's easy to forget. Plus... Andy TRIED to forget you..." 


"Andy felt awful. You just left that morning, and he wanted to forget your face, your voice, and as he put it, 'even how you smelled and felt'. He had to forget. He didn't want to live with the guilt of-..." Jinxx cut himself off. 

"He didn't want to live with the guilt of what?" 

"Well... I beat the shit out of him for it... And Jake almost did, too..." 

"Jinxx..." My voice was strong and pressing. 

"The Andy we all knew and loved died that morning... He wanted to die... Because he couldn't stand the fact that he... Raped you..." I could tell how pissed Jinxx was. He really wanted to kill Andy! 

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