Chapter 16: Sell Yourself with the Aid of the Devil's Disciple

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At 10, I woke up to Andy lightly tracing my bottom lip with his finger. “Mmm... Morning, Andy.”

“Good morning, Beautiful,” he smiled, “We have more script reading today...”

“Yup,” I smiled, “I’m excited. We finally get to do our scenes,” I kissed Andy, and he pulled me so I was laying across his lap. I smiled, staring up at his eyes. Andy started to lean down to kiss me when the doors opened.

“Hey, Baby Angel, wake up...” Jinxx practically whispered. When he saw Andy in my bed, his eyes widened, “What is he doing here?”

“Um...” I barely managed to squeak out.

“I’m sorry, Jinxx. I had to see her and at very least apologize.”

“You’re damn right. But you could have waited until today. When people were around.”

“No, I couldn’t have. We had too much to talk about in private. But I swear nothing happened last night.”

“It better not have,” Jinxx was growing more hostile by the second.

“Dearest, calm down. Andy’s telling the truth,” Sammi held Jinxx’s hand and looked into his eyes. He slowly calmed down and said, “I want you both dressed and downstairs in 10 minutes.”

“Jinxxy!!!!!” I whined, “Why are you mad?”

“I gave you rules. Those rules were for a good reason. We will discuss this further downstairs. I will listen to your side of the story downstairs.”

“Fine,” I harrumphed.

Jinxx and Sammi left, so Andy and I got out of bed.

I quickly put on my new velvet shin-high boots, my short black and white plaid skirt, and my black spaghetti-strap tank-top. Then I rushed to put on my glittery black eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and my mascara. Once that was done, I quickly went through my hair with the straightener and teased my hair.

When I was done, I went back into my bedroom and saw Andy in his clothes, with fresh eyeliner on. We had a minute to be in the living room.

We sat on the couch, with Sammi and Jinxx pacing the room in front of us.

“So...” Jinxx said, “Wanna explain?”

“Well... Andy said I’d see him more, remember? When he left after trying to set my room and dog on fire...” Jinxx nodded. “Well... I went to work, and not too long before my shift ended... Andy came. And... I didn’t want to deal with him. He begged me to hear him out, so I said that he could walk me home since it was dark, and THEN he could explain. It turns out it wasn’t his fault he was so violent.”

Andy took over, “When I was first really upset, I went to the park and got a drink. Turns out it was laced, but I didn’t know. It made me really violent...” Andy’s voice wavered, and I could tell he was about to start crying.

I finished, “And while he was still unknowingly high, I went over and pissed him off. Causing the hospital thing. The exact same thing happened when he threatened arson.”

“But it’s still unexcusable,” Jinxx added.

“Maybe, but man, I saved her from a TERRIBLE job. Do you know what job she picked up?! She became a fucking pole dancer!” Andy broke down into tears, “I pushed her away. I pushed my love away into giving herself away for a few bucks! Do you know how shitty that feels?! Knowing that you killed your own child, physically and mentally abused the love of your life, and pushed her into SELLING herself?!?!?!”

Jinxx was on the edge of tears too, “You-... Ariana... You-...”

I looked away, ashamed, “I’m leaving. I’ve disgraced you guys enough. I’m sorry for hurting you, Andy. And Jinxx, Sammi, I’m sorry for breaking your rules and hurting you, too.” I walked to my car and drove to the studio for the script reading.

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