Chapter 15: Does Hot Chocolate Fix Everything?

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It was the middle of the night, and I woke up to a strange noise... I noticed Andy was still in bed with me, and Jynxie wasn’t in here... So who was? I turned my head slightly to see a gun pointed in my face. I started crying immediately, and heard a gruff voice, “Don’t scream, or you’ll fucking get it.” I nodded. “Now, little girl, get out of the damn bed.” I then realized that Andy’s arm was around me, and I didn’t want to disturb him. “I can’t...” I whispered, “He might wake up...”

“Well then I’ll take care of him so you don’t have to worry,” the man sneered. I looked at him terrified, then looked at Andy. The next thing I knew, I heard a gunshot and something warm and nasty was all over me. I closed my eyes, sobbing, not wanting to look at what was left of Andy next to me.

The man pulled on my arm, “Get up already!”

“No! You-... You-... NO!!” I was sobbing hysterically, “You have to kill me too! I’m not living without him...”


Suddenly, I felt someone caress my left cheek, “Baby, wake up... It’s okay, I’m right here...”

I opened my eyes again to see that it was all a dream. Andy was leaning over me, touching my cheek. I started crying, “Oh my god, Andy!!!” I threw my arms around him and he just held me, whispering, “Oh, baby, it was just a dream... It’s okay. I’m right here... I love you... You’re safe...”

“It- It wasn’t me that was unsafe. It was you. There- There was a man. And he-... He-... I wouldn’t get out of bed because I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Shhhh...... It’s okay, Ari...”

“And so he said I wouldn’t have to worry about that. And he- he-... He shot you! In the head...” I was hiccuping from crying so much.

“It’s all okay now, baby... I promise. I’m safe, and you’re safe,” Andy kissed my forehead, “Look, why don’t we go downstairs and get you some food or something?”

“Okay. Thanks, hun,” I sniffled

“No problem, love,” Andy got out of bed and put his jeans on, so I got up and put on my new, white satin robe (it was REALLY short (ended at about mid-thigh when I was STANDING).

We crept downstairs, making sure not to wake up Jinxx and Sammi. We finally got to the kitchen and turned on the light, coming face to face with...


It was only Jynxie. I sat on the counter, while Andy made his special hot chocolate.

After several minutes of talking and drinking, we heard a noise on the stairs. Jinxx or Sammi! I whisper-shouted, “Hide!” So Andy took his mug and hid in the cabinet under the sink. I was surprised he could fit, being 6 foot 2 and all!

That was when Jinxx and Sammi BOTH came in. Jinxx looked at me sad, “Are you okay? We heard you crying and stuff when you were asleep...”

“I’m fine. It was just a nightmare. It’s all good now.”

“That’s good, hun,” Sammi said, “Well, since you’re okay now, we’re gonna go back to bed.”

“Okay! Thanks for checking on me, guys!”

“No problem, Baby Girl,” Jinxx hugged me, “Love you.”

“Love you too, Jinxxy. Love you, Sammi!!”

“Love you too, Sis,” she smiled, and the 2 of them went back to bed.

When I heard their door shut, I let Andy out of the cupboard. “Thank god! I can NOT do that again!” He laughed.

“Come on, hun. It’s 2:30. I’m tired.”

“Okay. Let’s go, Ari,” Andy picked me up and carried me to my room, bridal style. I tried not to giggle, and when we got to my bed, Andy gently dropped me on it. I took off my robe and threw it on the floor while Andy put his jeans back on the chair.

Andy pulled me into his chest once he laid down, and I kissed his collarbone, “I love you...”

“I love you too, Ariana,” Andy kissed my nose, and I fell asleep not long after.


A/N: Sorry this one's so short!! I just felt the need to release a new chapter asap. Anyway, the next chapter will be better and more eventful! <3

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