Chapter 9: Dinner, Death Scares, & Debacles

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"Hey, And- Well... Um..." My mom's loud voice trailed off.

My lips were still against Andy's, but I was looking at my mom through the corner of my eyes, with a deer-in-headlights look. This could NOT look good!! Andy and me sitting cross-legged on my bed, with me leaning over Andy, kissing him, with our arms around each other. Yeah, I was SOOOOO dead. I pulled away from Andy, "Uh... Hi, Mom!......" I gave her a halfhearted smile.

"So... Wanna confess anything?"

"Um... Andy just asked me to be his girlfriend? And I, um... I, uh... kissed him?"

"Okay. That's fine. I just wanted to see if you'd tell the truth."

I let out an audible breath, "Thank GOD. Wait... You're not gonna tell Daddy, are you? 'Cuz I kinda like having Andy around," I hugged him tightly.

"I'll let him figure it out on his own. I doubt you guys will go an entire dinner without kissing or something." I blushed, and Mom asked Andy what she meant to before, "Um, so do you have any food allergies?"

"Nope, none. And I'll eat just about anything. I haven't had a home-cooked meal in ages."

"That's what Ashley said 2 weeks ago," my mom kinda laughed, and left my room.

"That was close!" I said. Andy was just looking at me with a slight smile on his face. "What?"

"Nothing. You're just beautiful. And I love you. And I'm so sorry I ever treated you poorly."

I smiled, "I love you too, Babe. And it's okay. Everything is all better now."

"Yeah, thanks to you. Do you wanna sleep at my house tonight?"

"I have to get my school stuff anyway... And you have to give Jake his car back... Maybe you can take me to school tomorrow..."

"I'll take you to lunch, too!" Andy was getting all excited, and I said, "But my parents won't let me stay the night... I'd have to sneak out..."

"Will they let you stay at Bobby's?!"

"Yeah, but that has nothing to do with-"

"Say you're staying with him, and I'm just taking you there."

"That's brilliant!!!" I was so proud of my genius boyfriend! Then I pulled out my SG and started playing "She's A Rebel" by Green Day. Andy immediately recognized it and started singing along.

"She's a rebel,

She's a saint.

She's the salt of the earth,

And she's dangerous.

She's a rebel,


Missing link on the brink of destruction.

From Chicago,

To Toronto,

She's the one that they call Old Whatsername.

She's the symbol,

Of resistance,

And she's holding on my heart like a hand grenade.

Is she dreaming

What I'm thinking?

Is she the mother of all bombs; Gonna detonate?

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