Chapter 10: Hello My Hate

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At 6:30, my iPod started playing "Hello My Hate" for my alarm. I smiled as I realized that Andy's arms were still around me. I took a deep breath and felt Andy's grip tighten. I turned to face him and kissed his lips. He smiled in his sleep, and I sighed, "AndyBear... I have to get ready for school... Wake up, Babe." I watched his smile turn into a smirk, and he pounced on me. He practically jumped on me and nibbled that spot right above my collarbone. I shivered and moaned slightly.

"See, you love it," Andy smirked and kissed the top of my right breast. My heart rate climbed, and my breathing became slightly laboured. "I think I may just keep you here all day..."

"No, Andy... I have to go to school. My mom watches for skipping."

"Then I'll call you in sick. I can pose as your dad..." Andy messed with the waistband of my underwear.

I shuddered, "Hun... My friends are expecting me. I can't skip, and I can't let you lie."

"Fine..." Andy was sad, "Then I'll just go to school WITH you! And I can still kiss you all day!"

I rolled my eyes, "Then let me get dressed. You need clothes too." Andy reluctantly got off of me and went over to his dresser. I grabbed the halter-top, jean shorts, and flip-flops from my bag and got dressed.

When I turned to face Andy, I saw him wearing a white v-neck t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I smiled and took my special necklace out of my bag. It was a black arrowhead with a heart brad through the clasp thingy holding the arrowhead on. I walked up to Andy and put it around his neck. If I had his necklace, he should have mine.

Andy smiled and grabbed my hand, "I love you."

"I love you too. Now come on!!! I wanna show you off!!!!"

"I thought you didn't wanna be praised or bullied for knowing me," Andy chuckled.

"I don't! I just wanna make some hoes jealous! ;D" I grabbed my school stuff and ran to Andy's car, dragging him behind me.

In about 15 minutes, we were at school. I hopped out of the car with my bag, and saw Ashley, Olivia, and Bobby waiting for me. I ran up to them, hugging them tightly. Bobby asked, "Who drove you today? And what happened to your car?"

"My car's at home. And... One of the guys..."

"Why didn't you drive yourself?" Bobby sure asked a lot of questions!

"I wasn't home..."

Bobby let go of me, looking frustrated, "I thought you learned your lesson! I thought you knew not to stay with the guys overnight! Did you forget what happened last time?!?" Bobby wasn't happy with my choice that night over 2 weeks ago.

"Hey, Babe," Andy put his right arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. I stood there staring at Bobby, slightly nervous. I knew what he would say to me now...

"Hey, Andy..." I still watched Bobby as a failed attempt at a smile developed on my face. Ashley smiled at Andy, then sighed happily as she got a text. It was more than likely from Jake.

"Cool. Awesome, Ari. Perfect. You got what you wanted," Bobby stormed off towards the school. He was a little more hostile than I figured he'd be...

Tears filled my eyes, but I couldn't let them spill. I was the bad, scary girl of school. I had an image to keep up. Olivia hugged me, "I'll give you some time... Nice to meet you Andy."

The Butcher and Mortician's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora