1. Slaughter house

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More than 100, 000
horses are sent here
nearly every year,

They don't understand
the cruelty from a human hand,
they don't know the end is so near.

Beaten and bruised,
broken and bleeding.
poked and prodded,

They're shocked,
between the eyes,
they become paralyzed.

Supposedly unconscious,
they're stung up
from their feet.

Moved along in a
conveyor like fashion
to endure death in unthinkable ways.

Cut open,
blood spatters the ground.

Half awake, half dead,
those unlucky,
are awake for all the experience.

Foals cut out of their mother's stomach,
awake or asleep,
Their mother is defenseless.

The foal doesn't
even get to experience
the world for a second.

No remorse do the humans show.
For horses are no more
than just an object to them.

They don't have feelings,
thoughts, ideas.
To them, horses are nothing.

Some believe they deserve to die,
but why should a healthy horse
be torn away from life to become a food source?

Those humans are sick creatures,
they don't care that they're
taking a life.

A horse isn't human,
so therefore,
is it really murder?

To those who take part,
no. To those who watch from
the sidelines, it's the greatest offense,

There is no faith
to be held in the human race
when knowing of actions like this.

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