Chapter 3

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Hey readers just wanted to let you know something that will change your life forever...l love you! There now you can go about your business. Oh on a side note though, could you please drop me a comment to let me know how im doing? i would love you even more which is pretty impossible but still, ya know you want it...admit it.... o_O i have no dignity left now...


I awoke abruptly, air leaving my chest in painful gusts. It was the same nightmare, always. I wiped the sweat off my brow with the back of my hand and glanced at the window. It was pitch black outside and I assumed that the slight tapping noises were rain. Or New York City you never know.

"Sage?" I called out in a scratchy, sleep-clogged voice. My voice echoed creepily around the room when no one answered. Whatever, he must be out.

I got up and went into the bathroom to do my business, trying to think of anything but the nightmare. After I showered I pulled on my awesome batman boxers and a plain yellow tank top. I exited the bathroom and felt my tummy grumble so I headed for the kitchen. I stopped short when I noticed the light spilling from the kitchen doorway. I was 99.9% sure that I left all the lights off.

Okay I told myself a little hysterically, calm down. It's just Sage or you're imagining it. Yeah! That's what it is! No, actually it's probably a killer or a murderer or a clown; well, either way you're fucked. Shut up brain! Oh and thanks for the support!

I closed my eyes, popped them open real fast to see if the killer had burst out suddenly, closed them again while peeking a little and counted quickly to ten. Opening fully again I stared in dumbfounded amazement at the dark hallway. Ok uber-weird. No more energy drinks and doughnuts for me after three a.m.

My stomach growled angrily again at that thought, urging me forward into the kitchen. It didn't understand things like rapist or potential serial killers being between me and my food. But then again it's not like I was stopping it or anything. FOOD!

I entered the kitchen cautiously, eyes darting every which way; seeing nothing particularly suspicious I practically ran to the fridge without even turning the lights on. Opening it, I searched for anything with chocolate icing, and came up with nothing so I settled looking for something edible.

Carrots? Nope I'd like something with a lot more fat in it.

Left-over veggie pizza? Eww, nope I still need more fat.

How about an orange with purple fuzz on the top? Tempting but I'd have to pass just this one time.

Damn I have no good food.

"Girl, you have no good food in here," an unfamiliar voice chuckled from beside me. 


I jerked back with the orange still clutched in my hands as the door to the fridge slammed shut, echoing eerily around the kitchen that two seconds ago I had thought was empty of clown killers. Seeing a dark silhouette I stumbled back until my back was flat against the wall.

"What do you want?"

Please don't say you want to kill me, just say that you're a door to door bible salesman that let himself in. Or a maybe it's a neighbor that I've never met who wants to borrow a cup of sugar. Yeah that's probably it. Who doesn't borrow sugar these days? I mean it's a hot commodity.

My voice sounded so much stronger than I feel which is about as strong as spaghetti. My heart feels as if I tried to run a mile and my legs are shaking a little which means a lot because we all lie to ourselves in these kind of situations.

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