I drown out their conversation by putting in earbuds and closing my eyes as the car cruises out of campus grounds. The engine shuts off much sooner than I expected, and I open my eyes. I'm greeted with the sight of the large Starbucks franchise. Zayn's Starbucks.

"Why are we at this Starbucks?" I question. I haven't been here since the first day I got to LA, and there's a reason for that.

"Because it's the nearest one to campus. We always go here," Allie replies like I should already know this. I do know this, but I just thought we would be going to the other one. The one I usually go to, since the whole Zayn thing. I forgot that they still come here.

Well, maybe he won't be here. I really hope he isn't.

We all get out of the car. I walk behind them slowly, a little afraid to walk through the doors and find Zayn behind the bar brewing up an order.

When we finally enter into the spacious shop, my eyes immediately go to the counter. I see dark sloppy looking brown hair and blue eyes. Thank God! Zayn isn't here. I walk more confidently alongside El and Allie as we make our way to the usual spot. There's already people there.

My eyes immediately go to the figure with the curly light brown locks. His brown leather boots-wearing feet are perched up on the small coffee table as he is slumped on the edge of the couch, sipping tea. One of the other figures sitting on the opposite couch spots us walking over to them and immediately waves, his face lighting up at the sight of Eleanor. He looks like a 5 year old walking into a store full of candy. Aww. Curly top turns his head in our direction.

His sea green eyes immediately land on me and he straightens his position on the couch. The shocked expression on his face tells me that he is just as surprised to see me here as I am him. I wonder whether he finds it a good surprise or a bad one. Something tells me that it is probably the second. I look away and he does the same.

Both Allie and El immediately rush over to sit next to their guys, greeting them with cuddles and kisses. Yuck. This leaves only one spot left available on the couches. Next to Harry.

Well this is going to be awkward. Whenever I think I'm off the hook, life just puts me right back on it. Even so, an awkward coffee run sitting next to Harry is still ten times better than running into Zayn.

We both sit there in silence as the couples, Liam and Allie still unofficially a couple, chat animatedly together. For the first time, I sit in silence with Harry and it is extremely uncomfortable. It's awkward silence. I guess this is how I know that things have changed between us. We're not friends.

Even after I come back with my drink, the awkward silence is still there. What's even worse is that I am sitting so close to him. Our hips and arms are literally touching side by side since Allie and Liam are also on the same couch. I sit there incredibly still as I sip my iced caramel macchiato. He sits in a bit more of a relaxed position but I can tell he is also uncomfortable. Still, things could be worse.

I guess just knowing how things always seem to work out for the worst when it comes to me, I should have anticipated what happened next. I was already on edge before it happened too! My heart was already beating at a faster pace than normal, and my mind already racing with thoughts. This just really pushed me over the edge.

There was a ding, announcing that someone had just entered the store. Having nothing better to do than sit there sipping awkwardly, I look up. In an instant my pupils dilate, my hands fall to my sides and my breathing hitches loudly in my throat. I think a small gasp or squeak escapes from my mouth because everyone else turns their head towards the door as well.

"Ooh, Bree!" Allie coos with excitement in her voice. The others chuckle, except for Harry. They all still have light and joyful expressions on their faces. Only Harry wears the same look as I.

When he catches sight of what I am looking at, he stiffens. His face turns to stone, his eyes grow extremely dark, and his fists ball up at his sides. Though we both wear shocked expressions, I can tell his is mixed with anger.

Just when I thought I had caught a break, life knocked the wind out of me once again. Of course this is happening. Of course he is just standing right there.

I sink lower into my seat on the couch and Harry seems to expand to try to obstruct me from view. But life just has to add more to my suffering.

He spots me. The golden eyes behind the large solid black frames meet my bare grey ones. I turn away. Shit!

After a few seconds I peak back behind Harry's shoulder. He is still looking, but he's also walking closer. Double shit!

Zayn is coming over here!

Quick! Someone shoot me in the temples.


So I just wanna say just how TRULY THANKFUL I am to have all of you reading and continuously supporting me with Memory. Today was monumental day for Memory. A day that never would have happened if it weren't for all you Memorians out there!

Oh yeah, I just made that up today. I got really tired of calling y'all fans because really, you're more than that. Fans is just so impersonal and really, I think you all are more than that. All of you that continuously read and support Memory are practically like my Watty family. So I'm just gonna call you my little Memorians :) So guys, welcome to the Memorian Family! You know who you are ;) TYSFM!! ily <3 xx

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