Part Fourteen

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The next morning I woke up to my mom yelling "KANDY CHRIS IS HERE!" "Shit!" I said to myself as I looked at the clock. It was almost eight o'clock. "Damnit Chris it's too early." I whispered to myself as I threw a bra on. I heard feet coming up the stairs. "KANDY YOUR MOM SAID I COULD COME UP!" Chris yelled. "My parents trust us way too much." I thought to myself. "Knock knock." Chris said opening my door.
"Hey Chris." I said as he walked in. "Hey" he said with a smile and sat down on my bed. "I just gotta finish getting ready ok babe?" "Yea babe do what you gotta do. I'm not in a rush." He picked up a picture off my nightstand, "Who are they?" He asked. I sat down next to him and smiled. "That's James, Katie, and Shane. They were my best friends." I continued to tell him a story about a time when we all went on a hike to a hot spring. He put the picture down and turned to me smiling, "I love the way you talk about things you love." He said kissing me. I giggled and kissed back. The kiss got more intense. I pulled back and whispered in his ear giggling, "You didn't tell my dad about those intentions." Chris laughed, "These are your intentions not mine. I just go with the flow." He said with a wink. I laughed and punched his arm playfully, "Whatever asshole." I said giggling. "Let's jam babe. Are you ready to go?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yes sir." I said kissing his lips.

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