Where's Uncle Merle?

Start from the beginning

"Hey Lori mind watching Chloe?" I asked, looking to Chloe.

"Of course." Lori said with a smile. I nodded my head and walk back over to Chloe.

"Daddy could you play with me?" She asked, once I crouched down to her level.

"Chloe I need you to listen to me." I said, I started to play in the dirt with her.

|Chloe Pov|

"Yes?" I asked, as I put a little water on the dirt to make it onto mud so I can make mud-pies for me, daddy and Emma.

"I want you to stay with Lori." He said making me stop and look at him.

"Daddy? Your not leaving are you?" I asked, feeling my eyes began to water.

"I have to honey. I need to bring back some food." He said, I jump up off the ground and wrapped my arms around daddy's neck.

"Don't go daddy please." I cried, Daddy pulled apart my arms and looked at me.

"I promise I'll come back okay?" He said, wrapping away my tears. I felt a hand on my shoulder, looking up I saw it was Lori smiling down at me.

"Promise." I whisper, Daddy nodded his head placing a kiss on my head before setting my down on the ground. Daddy stood up nodding to Lori before walking off to our tent.

"Its going to be okay." Lori said, picking me up not caring if I had mud on me. I nodded my head as I watch daddy walked out of our tent with his crossbow.

He looked over and give a little nodded before walking into the woods. I held my Emma close as Lori sit me down next to her, her and Carl went back to working. I tugged on Lori shirt when I heard a weird noise coming from a boxs that sat near us.

"What is it sweetheart?" She asked with a smile, as she was folding some clothes. I pointed to the thing. Lori looked up to the box. She stood up and ran to the box's but Amy got it first. I couldn't hear what they were saying but all I know is Lori walked away.

I quickly got up and ran to Carl who was also following Lori but Shane stopped us. I looked up at to Carl and tugged on his sleeve. He looked down at me.

"Its alright." Carl whisper, putting his arm around me. I held Emma as me and Carl walked to his tent.

"Mom?" Carl asked, We watched Shane walked out. Shane patted Carl on the shoulder before he walked away.

"Hey guys." Lori said, walking out of the tent. I smiled up at her as she picked me up.

"What do y'all want to do?" Lori asked as we walked back to the fire pit.

"Go swimming?" I asked,  pointing towards the lake I saw with Uncle Merle.

"Okay, When me and the others go to watch cloths y'all can come." She replied setting me down and grabbed my hand. I giggled when Carl grabbed my other hand.

"Want to play tag later?" Carl asked, as we took our seat near the fire.

"Or we can play tag now." I said, jumping up. "Tag! Your it!" I shouted as I took off running.

"Hey no fair!" Carl shouted with a laugh as he took off after me. As I was running I felt myself being lefted off the ground and I knew Carl was faster.

"Carl!" I giggled as he spun us around. Me and Carl laughed until we got dizzy and fell to the ground.

"We are never doing that again." Carl said, helping me off the ground. I was about to say something when there was a lound noise coming from the road.

"Dale what do you see?!" Shane yelled up at Dale who I also met yesterday. Dale looked at Shane then back at the noise.

"Their back!" He yelled back, just as a red car pulled up. Glenn got out of the car with a smile.

"Turn that shit off!" Shane yelled over the noise. I coverd my ears as it was really lound.

"I dont know how!" Glenn shouted, as Amy was asking about Andrea.

"Is she alright!?" Amy asked once the noise was finally off.

"Yeah she fine they're all fine. Well Merle not so much." Glenn said, just as a white van pulled up. Everyone got out, Amy and Andrea hug. I looked around but I couldn't see Uncle Merle. Daddy said he'll be back. A man in a uniform got out of the van. I was standing next to Carl, Lori when Carl started to cry.

"Dad!" Carl yelled, taking off running to the man. "Dad!" He yelled, jumping into his dad arms. I looked around for Uncle Merle but I didnt see him.

"Uncle Merle?" I asked to anyone who was with him in the city.

"Chloe?" Lori called out as she let go of the man who I think is her husband.

"Wheres Uncle Merle?" I asked feeling hot tears come to my eyes.

"Chloe, your Uncle was putting everyone in danger. I had to handcuff him to the roof." The man said, I bust into tears. They lefted my Uncle to die!

"You left my Uncle! You lefted him to die!" I yelled, hitting the man over and over again.

"My daddy going to be mad!" I yelled feeling myself being lefted off the ground. I closed my eyes as more tears ran down my face.

"Shh, Chloe its alright. We well get him back." I heard Glenn. I claimed down. I quickly turned and hugged Glenn as I cried. I cried until all I had was gone.

"Lets get some rest okay?" Glenn said, walking us to the r.v. Glenn layed me down on the bed in the back. I Closed my eyes feeling sleep take hold.


I woke up to yelling coming from out side, I was asleep on the bed in the back of the r.v.

"Where's Chloe!?" Its daddy he's back! I quickly got out of bed and ran outside to see Daddy, he had his angry face on and I knew he found out about Uncle Merle being left behind.

"Daddy!" I shouted jumping out of the rv and to daddy. I jump into daddy arms buring my head in his neck.

"Im going to bring him back." Daddy whisper as he held me. Daddy walked us to the tent where we both layed down.

"I know you will." I said with a laugh. "He's Merle. Nothing kills Merle but Merle." I said causing daddy let to out a chuckle.

"You're a Dixon's." Daddy said kissing my forehead. "Gets some sleep." He said closing his eyes. I slept mostly all day but I don't want to daddy that.

So I closed my eyes thinking of puppys and kitties. I always wanted a puppy but Uncle Merle gets sick when his around puppys for to long, hopefully some day I get a puppy.

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