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"What on earth is going on here!" Your mom shouted. 

"I just want to talk with her but she's being a pain!" Luke's father explained. 

"He wants to ask what's going between me and Luke. All because I had a nightmare and Luke cuddled me back to sleep. He caught us and went to jumping conclusion." You said. 

You were a good liar, so most people believed you. 

"I can't be you, why would try to accuse my daughter of such things." It broke your heart that you were lying to your mom. 

"I'm going to my room now, Hayley care to walk me there." You asked. 

She nodded giving Luke's dad a dirty look he walked you to your room. She helped you out the dress too. 

"It's okay to cry, hun" She patted your back. 

Tears ran down your face, Hayley wiped them as they fell. 

"After graduation, me and Luke are leaving town. I don't know if he let you and Ash go, but I'd love for you two to come." You sniffed. 

"Why don't ask him." She said. 

"I will, once things settle down again. Um can you stay the night with me?" You asked her. 

"Yes, of course." She smiled. 


The night drug on. You had a hard time sleeping. 

"What's wrong." Hayley yawned. 

"I'm so used to sleeping in Luke's arms. I can't sleep." You mumbled. 

Luke walked into the room right after you said that. 

"Fuck what my dad says." Luke cussed. "Hayley, go sleep with Ash."   

Luke scooped you up into his arms. Sleep tugged at you fast. You noticed Luke was getting sleepy too. Giving up you drifted off to sleep. 

"I don't like this." You heard a mans voice. "Look at the way he's holding her." 

"So what, as long as she getting sleep and is healthy I don't care." You heard your mom's voice. 

Waking up you saw the two standing by your door. Luke woke up as you sat up. His eyes widen. 

"I can explain." Luke said. 

"You don't have too." Your mom said. "Get ready for school, you have tests to take." 

"Ughh, exams." You rolled out of bed. 


You weren't sure if you passed any test but you were hundred percent sure that you did good. You waited for Luke at his car. You rolled your eyes as Camellia walked up. 

"What about you that is so special, Luke chose you over me." She said wiping her tongue over her teeth. 

"The fact that, I'm not a slut." You shrugged. 

You felt a hand go across your face, stunned you hit back punching her in the face. You looked up and Luke was standing watching. He had anger written all over him. He walked over to you. 

"Camellia, I want you out of my life. Leave Y/N alone, or the worst will happen to you." Luke hissed. 

She walked away holding her nose. When you got home you drank a half of gallon of chocolate milk and a whole jar of pickle wedges. Luke looked at you strange. You laughed. 


This chapter is short, oh well. Please be sure to leave a comment/vote and share with friends :) 

~Love You All~  

So Wrong yet So Right ~ Luke H. // FF ~Where stories live. Discover now