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Your breathing picked up as you peeked from the curtain. You saw your mom and Luke's dad. You and Luke decided to sing Sad Song together. Yeah, you knew it was a love song but you and Luke were in love, expect that one on knew. Luke walked up beside you with his guitar. 

"You alright." He asked. 

"Yeah, just a bit nervous." You took in a deep breath and exhaled as they called you and Luke's name. 

Luke walked out first. Every girl clapped and screamed for him. He looked at you and held out his hand. Taking a deep breath you walked out. The crowd clapped. Luke stared off with strumming his guitar and began singing. 

You and I,

We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.
With you, I'm alive
Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide.

His voice was light, filled with love. You knew he was singing to you. Everyone was silent. His voice carried out throughout the building. You smiled when he looked at you. Your part came up and the words just rolled out your mouth. 

With you I fall.
It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes up on the wall.
With you I'm a beautiful mess.
It's like we're standing hand in hand with all our fears up on the edge.

You heard everyone clap and cheer. The part where you and Luke sang together came up. You looked at Luke and began to sing. 

You're the perfect melody,
The only harmony
I wanna hear.
You're my favorite part of me,
With you standing next to me,
I've got nothing to fear.

Your voice complimented his. The song ended and you two got a sanding ovation. You hurried off the stand and ran to the bathroom. Taking a deep breath you splashed water on your face. You couldn't believe that you went out in front of half the school and their parents. Singing with Luke took the nerves away. Walking out the bathroom Luke was right there. 

"You okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I needed to breathe." You said. 

"You were wonderful." He smiled. 

"So were you." You smiled. 

"Y/N." You heard someone call your name. 

You turned to see your friend walking your way. 

"What was that!?" She asked. "I didn't know you could sing." 

You let out a sigh. You thought she saw the love and sparks when you and Luke were singing together. 

"I stopped singing when my dad passed, Luke brought it out of me again." You smiled. 

"Yay for Luke. Speaking of that, I know you two have something going on." She laughed. "Don't worry, I know what you two are doing is wrong but you don't pick who love." 

"True." Luke mumbled. 

"Come on, they are going to announce the winners." She grabbed your hand. 

Luke followed behind you two. 


You guys went out to eat, after winning the talent show. Luke wouldn't stop touching you. Considering that you were wearing a short pencil skirt with a crop top. You hated dressing up but it was the only time you could tease Luke. He ran his hand up your thigh, quickly grabbing his hand you put it on his own thigh. The waiter walked up. 

"Hey, I'm John. What may I get you guys?" He asked. 

"Do you guys have fried pickles?" You asked. 

Everyone looked at you weird. 

"What? Oh and I'll have the kitchen and mash potatoes....but seriously do you guys serve friend pickles here." You said. 

"Yes, we do." He smiled as he written down your order. 

"Oh and lemon aid for my drink." You smiled at him. 

Luke squeezed your thigh tight. You looked at him. Sensing a hint of anger you looked away from. You noticed your mom studying you. After the man left with everyone's order you mom started talking. 

"Hun, are you sexually active." She asked. 

You chock on air as she asked it. Luke patted your back. 

"You okay?" He asked laughing. 

"Yeah, and yes I am mom, don't worry we're using condoms." You said ending the conversation. 

"Condom's can always break." Your mom mutter. 

"What are you trying to say." You asked. 

"Y/N, are you pregnant?" Your mom asked. 

You felt Luke got still next to you. 

"Why do you think that?" You asked. 

"Because when I was pregnant with you, I craved fried pickles too." She sighed. 

"Oh God." Your breathing picked up. 

"Oh our way home we'll get a few pregnancy test, okay darling." Your mom nodded her head. 

"Yeah." Your voice was small. 


You didn't look at Luke the whole during dinner after that. The bright side of it was that graduation was next week so you wouldn't be in school pregnant for long. Your mom quickly ran into the store grabbing all of the pregnancy tests there was. Luke placed his hand on top of yours. You looked up at him. 

"I'm sorry." He mouthed. 

You shrugged it off as you saw your mom walking back to the car. Tears threatened, but you didn't cry. You could tell Luke was beating himself up about it. It wasn't his fault. You both used protection every time. If the condom broke then God wanted this little on in your life. You touch your stomach. The tears fell. When you got home you and your mom spent thirty minutes with the tests. You waited longer for the results. 

"Y/N!" Your mom shouted. 

You rushed to her. You looked down at the tests. You didn't stop the tears this time. Every single on said positive. Your mom pulled you into her arms. 

"It's okay honey. Shh." Your held back her tears. "Think of this as a blessing. God wanted you to have that baby." 

You nodded. "I'm going to go lay down." 

You walked into your room. Luke was sitting on the bed in tears. You got and pulled you into his arms. 

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." Luke mumbled. 

"You're going to be dad." You sniffed. 

"You're going to be a mom." You kissed your tears away. 

You two laid in bed, thinking of baby names. 


This chapter is longer than the others lol I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) 

~Love You All~       

So Wrong yet So Right ~ Luke H. // FF ~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें