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The next day your mom took you to the doctors to see how far along you were. The doctor said you were six weeks, that makes you one and half months which explains why you weren't really showing. 

"So Y/N, who's the father." Luke's dad asked. 

"I told him, but he said it wasn't his. So I'm on my own." You looked away. "I don't wanna talk about." 

"Well, I'm here for you Y/N." Luke smiled. 

"Awe, that's so sweet." Your mom smiled. 

Little did she know Luke was the father. 

"Dad, Ashton will be helping me find a tux for graduation." He said. 

"Good, I'm sorry I'll be busy that week, son." He sighed. 

"It's okay." Luke said. 

"Hayley will be helping me. I told her about me being pregnant and she won't leave me alone. I like her company thought, she so sweet." You chimed. 

"Yeah, Ashton said you better make them the God parents." Luke laughed. 

"Hayley keeps on dropping hints about it." You laughed. 


You and Luke went out with Hayley and Ashton. You and told them both everything. They were fine with it. They said the same thing your friend said. 'You can't help you fall in love with'. You and Hayley picked the double date. Bowling. You loved bowling. 

"Be careful, babe." Luke helped you pick up the bowling ball. 

You smiled as all you could see is love in his eyes. Although he never said it, you knew it. He helped you lining the ball up with the pins. You rubbed you ass against him. He hissed. 

"Stop being naughty." Luke nibbled your neck. 

You dropped the ball because of his actions. It rolled hitting all the pins. You shouted throwing your hands in the air. Luke picked up and spun you around. 

"Lucky shot." Ashton snorted. 

You and Luke laughed. Ashton got up and rolled the ball, it all but three pins. You bit back your laughter but Luke laughed. 

"Shut up, Luke." Ashton snapped. 

"Hey, I'm going to go to the bathroom." You kissed Luke before you went. 

As you were walking to the bathroom you felt someone follow you. You rushed to the bathroom, girls were in the bathroom laughing glossing your lips. You quickly used it. Walking out the bathroom you were acted pushed up against the wall. You screamed, Luke heard you quickly running to you. The girls in the bathroom got to you first. One hit the man right in his face. You almost fell but one of the girls caught you. Luke was outraged. He took the man by his shirt and punched him. The guy didn't have time to get a punch. Luke was fast. You moved touching Luke's back telling him to stop. When he did he took you into his arms. 

"Are you okay, he didn't hurt the baby." Luke asked. 

"I'm fine." You sniffed. "Thank you guys." 

"Anything. Us pregnant girl watch out for each other." She smiled. 

You looked down at her stomach. She was showing but not much. You smiled and nodded. They walked off as Ashton and Hayley walked up. Hayley winced when she saw the guy unconscious on the ground. 

"What happened here." A man said. 

They all looked up to see a police man standing there. 

"He attacked my pregnant sister, so I beat the shit out of him."  Luke said simply. 

The officer nodded. He looked at you knowing it was true. 

"You guys go finish having fun. I'll clean this up. We've been trying to catch him for a while now." he officer said. 

As you walked away from the mess you could hold it back. Tears streamed down your face. Luke pulled you into his arms. 

"Shh, Y/N. I got you. You're safe." Luke kissed your forehead. 

"I wanna go home." You sniffed. 

"Okay. Ashton and Hayley. Are you two staying the night with us or...?" Luke trailed. 

"Yeah, we're staying with you." Hayley said. 


"Pizza or something else." Luke asked you. 

"Chinese food." You replied. 

"Is your mom and Luke's dad always gone?" Hayley asked. 

"Yeah, Kinda." You said. "I bet they are together somewhere fucking their brains out." You laughed. 

"That's what we do when they are gone." Luke chimed in. 

"Okay, tmi." Hayley laughed. 

"Oh shut up. You know we do the same thing when either my mom is gone or your parents are gone. It happens mostly at my house." Ashton smirked. 

"What movie are we going to watch." You whined. 

"Ant Man." Luke and Ashton both said. 

You got comfortable next to Luke. 

"Oh, Hey. Ash, Michael wants to know if your going to drive him to school." Luke said. 

"Yeah, but please start driving Calum again. He complains to much." Ashton laughed. 

"Yeah, Sure." Luke replied. 


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~Love You All~ 

So Wrong yet So Right ~ Luke H. // FF ~Where stories live. Discover now