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You laid in Luke's arms and watched him sleep. His blonde eyes lashes were long and thick. You ran your finger over his bottom lip. You noted how soft they were. Luke moaned and pulled you tighter to him. 

"Morning." He smiled. 

His morning voice was sexy. He smiled snuggled up close to me, his warmth was the nicest thing in the world. 


Weeks went by and you now lived with Luke and his dad. You hated it. The only part that you loved about it was living with Luke. Your mom and his dad never expected anything. You stay after school on day doing extra work on your science project. You heard singing which sounded like Luke singing. You loved the song he was singing it was one your favorites. Drop Of The Ocean by Ron Pope, the lyrics rolled off his lips like he was singing to someone. So much love in his voice. An idea popped in your head. You wanted Luke to sing with you during the talent show. You followed his voice and walked into a room you didn't know about. Luke was playing a guitar singing. You leaned against the wall and watched him. He looked and smiled. 

"Hey, you." Luke smiled. 

"Secret talent?" You asked walking over to him. 

He placed his guitar down next to him and pulled you into his lap. You kissed him leaving your pink lip gloss on his lips. Laughing you wiped it away. 

"My dad and your mom are gone." Luke gave you a hint. 

You laughed and placed your stuff down on the ground. He removed your shirt and you guys went at it once again. You remember this morning when you woke up to Luke's soft kisses. 

"Luke! Y/N! We have food!" You heard Luke's dad call out. 

You and Luke got off the floor and dress. You dressed just in time, your mom walked. 

"I'm so happy you two are getting along, I just wish Y/N would expect your father Luke." She sighed. 

"Exactly that's his father not mine, I don't have to except him." You said pushing past your mom. 

You hated when your mom brought up the situation. You didn't want to call anyone else dad. Except for Luke when he hits the right spot. You smiled and pushed the thought away. 

"Hey, Luke. Do the talent show with me." You said making your plate. 

"Why?" Luke asked. 

"I don't know, maybe because our voices might sound good together." You said. 

He nodded. "I'll think about it." 

He walked off. You and Luke had play like your were step-siblings and not lovers when you were around your mom or his dad. You walked into your room and sat at your desk. You heard Luke shout to his dad asking if Calum and his friends could stay the night. It was Friday. You shut your door but not before getting a look at a shirtless Luke. He blew a kiss to you, you caught it and placed it on your upper breast. You saw the hungry in Luke's eyes. You smiled and laughed as you shut your door. 

You heard your phone go off seeing that it was Luke who texted you opened it. 

[Luke: Stop teasing and leave your door unlocked tonight.] 

[Y/N: And if I don't leave it unlocked?] 

[Luke: I'll pick your lock. Don't tempt Y/N.] 

You laughed, deciding not to answer him you called your friend. After staying on the phone with her for an hour you got out your room and walked into the kitchen. You saw Luke and his friends playing a game in the family room. Your mom was cuddled up with Luke's dad on the couch. Sighing you made a sandwich and went back to your room. Dying from boredom you got into your bathing suit, it was all black two piece. You didn't bother to wrap the towel around you. 

"Damnn, Y/N. Mind coming my way?" You turned to see Calum staring at you. 

"Go suck a dick." You snapped. 

"How about you suck mine." Calum grabbed his dick. 

"Ew." You walked off to the pool and got in. 

Swimming around you noticed Luke was watching you from the kitchen window. He looked anger. Getting out you wrapped yourself in the towel. You walked seeing he was alone in the kitchen. Luke grabbed your arm. He pulled you against his chest. 

"You're mine, Y/N. Don't forget that." Luke whispered in your ear.   

"I know, and you're mine. Tell your friend Calum is he says something sexual to me again I'll cut his dick off and shove it in his mouth." You smiled and walked off. 

"Shit, I'm sorry." You bent over and picked up his phone. "Ashton, right?" 

"Yeah." He nodded. 

"You and your girlfriend are goals." You smiled. 

"Thanks, I'll be sure to tell Hales that." He smiled. 

"Hales? I thought her name was Hayley." You said. 

"Hales is her nickname." He laughed. 

"Oh. Well nice meeting you." You chimed walking away. 

Yawning you dressed in night clothes. As you did you looked in the mirror. You noticed you gained a little weight. You pushed it off saying that you needed to exercise more. Climbed into bed leaving the door unlocked for Luke. He loved cuddling you to sleep. You remember the day when he said that he sleep peacefully with you in his arms. You woke up to Luke's voice and arms wrapping you. Smiling you drifted off to sleep again. 


I hope you guys enjoyed this. Share with friends, leave a comment/vote. :) 

~Love You All~ 

So Wrong yet So Right ~ Luke H. // FF ~Where stories live. Discover now