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You woke up in your bed. Luke was nowhere to be found. You figured he was in his room taking a shower. You got up and walked to your door. 

"Dad, I was just comforting her!" Luke shouted. 

"I don't care! Being in the same bed with is just wrong Luke! Wrong! She's going to be your sister soon!" His father shouted. "I don't want to see anything like that again." 

You heard Luke groan in frustration. Sighing you shut your door and walked into your bathroom. You looked in the mirror. Placing your hand on your stomach. You had to keep this secret away from his father. He might go crazy and try to kill your baby. Getting dressed you put on a sweater and black leggings. Grabbing your bag you bumped into Luke on your way out. 

"I'm taking my own car." You said walked away. 

You noticed that Luke didn't go school. When you got home it was dead silent. You walked into your room and Luke was sitting there. He stood and walked to you. 

"You weren't in school." You mumbled. 

"Did anything happen to you while you were in school?" Luke asked. 

"No, but..." He cut you off. 

"Then I don't see the problem." He said. 

"What's wrong." You touched his cheek. 

Tears filled your eyes and he leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. When he opened them, he looked at you with love. Like you were the only girl in the world. 

"Run away with me, After graduation. I've been saving up money. I have enough money. We can leave, be a happy family. Me, you and our lil bean." Luke touched your stomach. "I love you, Y/N. I'm not going to let my dad or your mom get in the way of us being together." 

Tears ran down your face. He finally said it. The three words you've been waiting for him to say. 

"Yes." You hugged him locking your arms around his neck. "I love you, more though." 

"That's not possible. Y/N, you're the light to my dark. You shine brighter than the stars at night. I don't know what I'd do without you." Luke kissed you. 

You didn't say anything. All you did was cry in his arms. You were happy with Luke. You love him more than words could ever express. 

"I'm going to miss sleeping with you." Luke whispered in your ear. 

"Me too." You sniffed. "How much money do you have by the way." 

Luke hissed. "Millions." 

You let go of him, stepping back you blankly stared at him. 

"Come again." You said. 

"I've been saving money for a long time. My allowance was hundred dollars a week." Luke said. 

"Are you serious." You were shocked by what he said. 

Luke laughed, and pulled you back into his arms. He loved holding you. Luke decided to let you get work done as he went down into the family room and played games. You soon joined him after you were done. 

"Y/N!" You heard your mom shout for you. 

Pausing the game you got up and walked to her. She smiled at you. 

"I set another doctors appointment for you. It's next week." She beamed. 

You noticed how your mom was happy about the baby. It hurt you that you were leaving with Luke but it was for the best. 

"Oh and we're throwing a ball party here tonight, I got you a dress." Your mom pulled out a from a bag. 

It was beautiful. You loved it, It was black and fades to red. 

"Can I go try it on?" You smiled. 

"Sure hun." Your mom gave you the dress. 

You went to the bathroom, the realized that you needed help zipping up the back so you called your mom for it. You wanted to show Luke. 

"Luke, how do I look?" You smiled. 

Luke turned to you. His eyes widen at the sight of you. He stood and walked over to you. 

"You're beautiful, Y/N." Luke smiled. 


Night came you were all dress up for the ball party. Music played and people were dancing, you looked around for Luke but he was nowhere. Sighing you went to the drink table. Grabbing a water bottle hands wrapped around your waist. 

"Wanna dance?" Luke smiled. 

"Yes." You said after taking a sip of the water. 

The song fit you and Luke perfectly. It was Moonlight by Ariana Grande. Everyone was slow dancing it to it. You saw your mom smiling as she danced with Luke's dad. She was happy just like you were. But to Luke dad, your happiness was wrong. Sighing you turned your attention to Luke. His blue eyes light up with the dim lights. 

"Hungry?" Luke asked as the song ended. 

You nodded, Luke took your hand and lead you to the food table. You saw Hayley standing there so you called her over.  You two talked about baby names, while Luke chatted with Ashton. 

"Y/N, This is Michael." You turned to see a colorful haired boy. 

"Nice to meet you." You smiled. 

He smiled back, you noticed he was shy. You looked up and saw Luke's dad heading your way. You moved closer to Hayley. 

"Y/N, may I talk with you...alone." He said. 

"No." You said. 

"As your soon to be step-father I would like respect now...let's go have a talk. I have a few questions." He snapped at you. 

"No." You moved closer to Hayley who moved you behind her. 

"Hayley, move out the way." He said. 

"Whoa, Don't talk to my girlfriend like that." Ashton chimed in. 

"What's going on here, dad." Luke said. 

"Nothing, I just want to talk with Y/N." He said. 

You picked up your dress so you wouldn't fall, you took a run for it but Luke's father grabbed your arm almost making you trip. Some random person caught you. Luke was by your side in second. Anger ran though Luke's blood. You saw your mom. It was all about to go down. 


I hope you guys enjoy it! Leave a comment/vote :)       

~Love You All~

So Wrong yet So Right ~ Luke H. // FF ~Where stories live. Discover now