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You sat in your seat. Trying to focus but you couldn't. You never seen Luke that mad. The bell rang and you walked out the class room. You saw Luke heading for you. You turned down the hall that just made it a short cut for you. You hurried into your class. Luke walked in and headed right now for you. 

"Stop avoiding me." Luke hissed. 

"I just wanna be left alone." You mumbled. 

"I'm not going to leave alone." Luke said. 

The bell rang for class. The teacher walked in and spotted Luke. 

"Luke, you don't have this class until fourth period. Leave." She pointed to the door. 

You left out a deep breath when he left. 


Lunch came around. Oh how you hated lunch. Mostly everyday Camellia would sing. You were tired of it. After you were done eating you walked up to the stage and stood. Everyone stared at you. You took in a deep breath and began singing. 

Oh and I overdose
Boy I want off of this roller coaster
You take me high just to bring me down
Oh, and you bring me down

I'm trying not to take too much
I'm in over my head 

The words just rolled off your lips. Your eyes made contact with Luke. He smiled and nodded. You spotted your ex. Luke noticed that you were looking at some. He looked back to see. The song came to an end and you let out a laugh. You couldn't believe you did that. 

"I'll be doing the talent show this year." You announced. 

"The hell you are!" Camellia shouted. 

"What me." You stared at her as you walked off the stage. 

You walked out the cafeteria, feeling some walking after you, you stopped and turned. Your ex was standing before you. 

"That song was about me?" He asked. 

"No, It's just a song, that I happen to love and memorize. Would please excuse me. I have study hall." You left him standing there. 

You walked into the library. Luke texted you setting off your phone. You winced and put it on silent as you answer his text. 

[Luke: Where are you.] 

[Y/N: Somewhere that you'll never go.] 

[Luke: The library? Why are you in there? Do you have detention.] 

[Y/N: No, I'm studying for a test now leave me alone.] 

[Luke: I can't, not until I kiss you] 

You knew Luke was coming for you, so you went way into the back of the schools library. You could see people enter and exit. You saw Luke walk in. He looked around. You never took your eyes off of him. He soon spotted you. Your heart picked up as he walked over to you. 

"You were amazing." Luke smiled as he sat next you. 

"Nice." You looked at your book trying to study. 

"Would you stop being mad at me." Luke said. "I'm sorry." 

You ignored him. 

"Okay." Luke got up. 

He walked around looking for a book, once he found that seems interesting to him, he sat back down. You gasped as he placed his hand on your thigh. He moved it up to your zipped and button. He undid you her pants moving his hand to your sex. You bit back as moan when his cold hand moved up and down your sex. It felt so good, you know it was wrong but God you couldn't help it. Your breathing picked and your gripped your pencil. As Luke stuck his finger inside you. His eyes never left the book. Right when you were about to cum he removed his finger and stuck in his mouth sucking on it. He smiled and looked at you. 

"You taste good." He smirked. 

"You're a dick." You hissed.  

"I'd love for you to cum on my dick." He laughed. 

"Never gonna happen." You closed your book. 

"Where are you going?" Luke asked. 

"The bell is going to ring soon." You said packing your bag. "Wait, you have study period this period?" 

Luke nodded and got up. 

"Study period is actually my last period." He said. 

"Mine too." You looked at him. "Take me too McDonald's." 

"Is that an order?" Luke arched a brow at your. 

"If you want me to cum on your dick, you'll do as I as and take me to McDonald's" You whispered into his ear and kissed his cheek. 

Luke grabbed his bag and walked by your side out the library, you got to his car only to see two girls standing there. You rolled your eyes. 

"Luke, what is she doing with you." Camellia made a sour face. 

"Leaving the school with me." Luke opened his passenger door for you. 

You got in and smiled at Camellia and her little minion. She huffed and walked off right as Luke got into his car. It didn't take long to get to McDonald's. You smiled as he pulled in. Your favorite place ever besides home. You and Luke got out walking into the place. Your eyes made contact with Caden. This is going to be a problem. 


Vote/comment if you like it! I hope you guys do tbh. 

~Love You All~

So Wrong yet So Right ~ Luke H. // FF ~Where stories live. Discover now