Chapter 22 ~ Broken

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Aphmau's P O V

I did something wrong yesterday. I shouldn't be forcing someone tell me things. I didn't go to school today. I got many texts from my friends but I never respond. I only come out of my room to get something to eat.

*Travis called*

I let the phone ring. It rings 3 more times. And it leaves a voicemail. My phone automatically tells me the voicemail.

"Aphmau please answer. I want you to come back to school. Cmon Aphmau I forgive you. Please Aphmau." The message stops.

I just sit there. I don't want to go back.

Aaron's P O V

Travis told me everything from yesterday. Aphmau isn't even responding to my texts or calls. I know she is sad but this is beyond what I thought she would be.

"Travis I'm going to Aphmau's house." I say.

"I don't think that is a good idea." Travis said.

"Cmon it can't be that bad." I said.

"No it's really bad." Travis said.

"Cmon let me deal with her." I said.

"No." Travis said.

"Oh wait your not my mother. I can do what ever I please!" I said running off.

"Aaron!" Travis says running after me.

After running for a long time. Travis started losing stamina.

"Aaron!" Travis said trying to keep up.

I ran up to the steps of Aphmau's house. Before I could ring the doorbell, Travis tackled me.

"Don't!" Travis said on top of me.

I kept on trying to reach the doorbell.

"Get off of me Travis!" I said.

I pry him off of me and ring the doorbell.

"Your going to kill us both!" Travis said standing up.

Aphmau's mom opens the door.

"Aaron! Travis! You must be here for Aphmau. She's upstairs." Her mom said.

We walked upstairs.

Aphmau's P O V

I saw Aaron and Travis outside. I got to hide! I hid under my bed. Hopefully they wouldn't see me. I didn't want to see them or them to see me. I heard a knock on my door.

My new dog Celestial barked at the door.

"Celestial no!" I said in a whisper.

Celestial jumps to the doorknob and opens the door.

How can she do that?

"Aphmau?" Aaron says.

"Aphmau got a dog? When?" Travis said.

"She is probably hiding from us." Aaron said.

Celestial comes to the spot I'm hiding and barks at it.

I put my finger over my mouth to shush her but she still barks.

"What's wrong girl?" Aaron asks Celestial.

"Aphmau?" Travis said.

"Fine you caught me. Now why are you here?" I said.

"Aphmau I've been trying to tell you it's alright." Travis said.

"Travis I don't care!" I said.

"Aphmau cmon I don't want you to feel sad about this." Travis said.

"Like I said I don't care. I don't care which mood I'm in. I just want you to leave me alone!" I said kicking him the stomach.

He was knocked to the ground.

"Aphmau stop!" Aaron said.

"Aaron do you understand that what I've done can never be fixed! I lied to all of you." I said.

"That doesn't matter to me." Aaron said.

"Then what matters?" I said.

"I don't want to hurt you Aphmau." Aaron said.

"Then what are you calling this? And look here your doing the same thing I did to Travis. Force him to do what I wanted him to do!" I said.

"Aphmau just stop!" Travis said.

"I wish I allowed myself to stand up to you!" I said now yelling at Aaron.

"Aphmau stop!" Travis said.

"You don't have to do anything! I just wanted to help you! All I wanted is a person who I could trust! But I wish I had never stopped being myself!" Aaron yelled.

"Great because I have news for you! I'm breaking up with you! Now you two get away from me!" I said pushing them out the door and slamming it.

My heart had broken down into pieces. I ripped off the locket Aaron had given to me during one of our dates and throw it in the trash.

"I never want to see him again!" I said.

I force my eyes shut as I hit the bed. Celestial curls up in my arms.

"Celestial when ever you see Aaron again bite his hand." I said with my eyes still shut.

Celestial whimpers. She picks up the leash and puts it in my hands.

"Okay Celestial I'll take you on a walk." I said.

I got up put the leash on Celestial and walk outside.

Aaron's P O V

"Aaron about Aphmau-" Travis started.

"Don't mention that name again!" I yell at him.

His skin turned gray in fright. Travis said something under his breath. I didn't care what he said.

"Aaron are you really going back to your old life?" Travis asks.

"Yes." I said with no hesitation.

He looked at me with a worried look in his eyes.

Travis's P O V

Now I see how people change people. Aphmau changed Aaron's life and not just a little bit. A huge change.

I hear barking. Aaron and I look behind us. Aphmau's dog Celestial was running up to Aaron in fury. Celestial bit Aaron's hand.

"Ow! What the heck!" He said.

The dog had a good grip on Aaron's hand. The dog let go.

"Celestial you can just run off like that!" Aphmau said.

The dog ran up to Aphmau. She looked up to see Aaron.

"Oh you." Aphmau said picking up Celestial.

"Don't give me crap like that." Aaron said.

Aaron's P O V

I noticed she didn't have her locket on. A red mark took the place of it.

Aphmau didn't say anything but just turned her back and  walked away.

"Aaron are you okay?" Travis asked me.

"I'm fine. Just a cut." I said looking at my hand the dog didn't hurt my hand badly but it was bleeding.

"I hate her." I said that with no regrets.

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