As I said it would be an nonchalant attitude. August knows what he wants. He's grown, which basically stating he could control himself and actions. He dont need me breathing down his neck, clocking his every move.

"Aww B you dont mean it, I know as well as you know, hurt will be the first feeling if August ever fuck with another chick" A sympathetic look covered her face.

I didnt want to get into the depth of me and August problems. That was something I tried to push behind me.

I smiled.

"Have you thought of a name yet, ya' know you gotta be prepared for things like this" Changing the subject was my best option.

Cutting her eyes at me, she groaned.
"Welll" she dragged out. "Travis dont like any of my options but I could care less because his stupid ass is not about to name my baby"

"I would like to hear your options" I smiled.

"Okay, if its a girl I want her name to be Secret O'May Jackson and our baby boy name to be Shawn Travis Jackson"

She smiled brightly, while I snickered.

"Why not have Trav's last name he is the father you know"

"Because Travis aint put a ring on this finger B, we ain't married" She rolled her eyes.

"Millz dont get me wrong, but you told the man if yall get married he had to change his last name, give him a break, you wont let him name both of you child, not giving them his last name would cause a problem"

Millz sighd while leaning back on the counter.

"I guess I'll talk to him about it"



"August not right now" Bzona said over the phone, trynna get out of FaceTiming.

"Mann what you doing" He stressed rubbing his hands down his face, turning over layin' on his stomach.

"I already tol you I was in the bathroom" She sung, looking at two swim wear options to pack. Holding the one peice with the V cut between the breast, she stuffed it in the suitcase.

He laughed.

"If ya' woulda tol me you was shittin' in the first place...I woulda neva pestered you bout it"

"Aug, if you dont...ya' know what bye"
She hung up the phone.

What the hell am I gonna do with him?

She thought to herself.

Currently she was packing for Miami. Checking with August, he let her know he wasn't doing anything but making many appearances at clubs next week. He still didnt know she was coming, which was great for her because the suprise still remained.

    Bzona picked up the shopping bags from off the side of her bed, pulling the dresses out of them. Since she had to let someone know about her trip, Millz went with her to shop for many things.

    She knew she was gonna be in the spotlight, when caught being with August, so she had to make sure she was seen in the finest.

After she finished packing, she made sure she had everything she needed before calling August back but this time on FaceTime.

It took him awhile to answer but he soon did when she was about to hang up.

He popped up on the screen with a mug on his face.

"Why the hell you hung up on me?" He asked still mugging her through the camera.

"What the hell took you so long to answer?" She shot back laughing already knowing the answer because of his background.

"Mann" He dragged out about to say something before both of us heard a ploop sound.

"Eww August" I yelled laughing falling back on my bed."Views from your shit huh?"

"Shut up" He fanned me off grunting a little bit. "Why you call any way?"

"Damn nigga I cant talk to my bestie now?" I asked cocking my head back.

He laughed while putting the phone down on the counter, so the camera was positioned towards the ceiling.

After hearing the toilet flush, he appeared back on the camera.

"I miss you" He say licking his lips.

I blushed knowing what he was talking about, being bold I responded.

"She miss you too!"

I emphasized earning a smirk from him.


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