We Will Be The Last Ones Standing

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(Hello lovely readers! Guys, this is the last chapter! Thank you for sticking with this fanfiction and commenting! Before the chapter, I need to tell you that this is the mind blowing one and you guys HAVE TO read until the end! I'll explain everything at the end! Ok, I'm done talking. Love you guys! Xoxo)

Chapter 37

Ivy's P.o.V

We stayed out for a while at the beach, having fun, screaming, and dumping water on each other, but after a while we decided it was best to go back because Jamie called and said Elli wouldn't leave him alone.

"Ugh," Ryan whined, "I don't wanna deal with her!"

"Relax, baby, I'll take care of her," I assured him, my tone mischievous. He smiled a bit.

"No, don't, because I don't want to have to bail you out of jail for attempting homicide."

I laughed, "Knowing me, you might have to!"

He kissed my cheek, but I yelled at him, "Focus on the road! I'm too young to die!"

He swerved a bit but stayed focused.


Elli was back at the bus again, wearing a short, black, sleeveless dress that looked like my slutty mother's hand-me-downs.

"Hey, babe," she greeted Ryan, trying to sound sexy, but instead sounding drunk as hell.

"Get away from him, whore!" I yelled at her. He turned to me, his face beet red with anger. The anger was directed more at Elli than me. Actually, it was only directed at Elli.

"Baby," he said to me, "relax. I can handle her. Elli," he said, trying to remain calm, "why are you in our bus?"

"I miss you, Rybear!"

"I was never yours! and I never EVER will be!"

"Never say never! Besides, you said my consent is important to you. And I don't approve of this slut," she was talking about me. And he didn't like the context.

"THEN GET THE FUCK OUT OFF OUR BUS! Get the fuck out of my business! Get the fuck out of my life! If you're not going to treat my girl with respect and kindness, then youre not going to remain a part of my life. At all. She has always treated me with respect and kindness, and it's worth more than you ever were."

"She wouldn't give two damns if you got hurt!"

"And you would? You saw how torn apart I was after the break up I had with Ivy and what did you do? You tried to get with me! No, I won't even remotely enjoy your company ever again! Get out of my life bitch."

Elli flipped him off and left, but only after saying, "Have fun fucking him," to me.

"Love you too!" I yelled after her.

Ryan took a deep breath and let it out.

"You good?" I asked him. He nodded.

"I controlled my anger."

I laughed so hard, "THAT was you with your anger controlled? Damn boy!"

"I know."

I heard clapping coming from the other room.

"I looked over to see Jamie, Nash, Ian, and Cam walk in clapping and singing, "Ding dong the wicket witch is dead!" They were talking about Elli and I laughed so hard at them. I was so glad to be a part of these guy's lives.

Ryan wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, whispering in my ear, "Welcome back to the crazy family."

*End of flashback*

I woke up with a start next to Ryan. He was still sleeping soundly. I smiled at his sleeping, adorable form. He was curled up, his arms around my waist and his legs up near his chest. God he was adorable. It had been one year since all that happened, all that stuff in my dream.

I leaned back onto the pillow and looked at the time. 5:54 am. I could go back to sleep, but I didn't want to be sucked into another memory. I twirled the ring on my finger. It was my wedding ring. I had been married to Ryan for one month. He proposed to me two months after we had gotten back together. I don't know what became of Elli. She is probably some protitute or something.

Hailey and Nash are engaged, but not married yet. Jason is moving to Italy for a while, because he wants to become an artist. Who woulda thunk it? My bro becoming an artist?

Everything is perfect, just the way it is.

Ryan woke up a few minutes later, staring deeply into my eyes. He yawned and stretched, then gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Good morning," he said.

"Good morning! I had a crazy dream last night."

"What was it?" he asked.

"It was about us. Everything."

"Oh my God same!" He exclaimed.

"Really? That's weird. But the break up made me so sad again!"

He looked down, "Don't think about that. Think about now. Think about this. Think about us. I'll always love you just the way you are. And, yes we had our rough times, but our love came through as it always will. After all, we will be the last ones standing."


It's over! Noooooooooo! I'm so sad! But I loved that chapter! If you didn't understand, then remember in the beginning of this fanfiction how Ivy's 13 and he's 17? Yeah, well, it said later that she was 22 and he was 26 but it never said end of flashback. That entire fanfiction was a flashback!

Thank you all for coming on this amazing journey! I loved every second of it! I have to write my other stories but there is a sequel called I Will Always Love You. I would love it if you went a read that and tell me your thoughts on this chapter! I love you guys so much and I always will.



We Will be the Last Ones Standing-A Hot Chelle Rae FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora