This Will Be The Death Of Me

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Chapter 18

(This chapter is dedicated to @CheezyCookie. Thank you so much for your support and comments babe! Love you all so much!)

Ivy's P.o.V

I woke up feeling woozy, indicating that I was drugged, probably with Chloroform. Colors and objects spun around me, faster than light. Finally though, I did make out my whereabouts. I was in a dark room tied to a chair. I felt rope burn on my wrists and arms. I couldn't scream because I had a large, cloth gag in my mouth, stretching out my jaws.

Where was I? How did I get here? What happened?

Finally it hit me, I was in a dark warehouse. I was alone. I was brought here by the freaky dude and I was taken in a van. It all cane rushing back. Oh God.

I closed my eyes, wishing that I could just be lying with Ryan right now. I wished so hard, I half expected to be transported there through time.

I felt a plump, wet tear slide down my cheek.


I stayed in there for hell knows how long. It couldve been minutes, hours, days. But there warehouse remained the same. Dark and windowless. My jaws began to hurt because of the gag.

I wasn't sure how long it was until my captor finally came to visit. He removed the gag from my mouth. I couldn't see his face because of how dark it was, but I could make out the outline of him.

"Who are you?" I asked. He didn't answer.

He only said, "I did this for you."

"Oh, so with all my problems, druggin me and locking me Ina dark werehouse alone is gonna help me?!" I yelled.

"You are not alone," he said. I looked over to see a man tied to a chair just like me. The only difference was he was completely passed out.

"Jason?!" I said. My captor laughed. I knew I knew him from somewhere. But where?

"Your brother was stupid enough to walk into a trap. Your beloved boyfriend will do the same."

"You just want to tear my life to pieces!" I accused. He smiled evilly. Then he pulled out my phone and dialed a number.

"Talk to him. Tell him where you are. I will hold the phone."

I heard it ring once, but then I heard his perfect voice.

"Ivy?" I said, eager to hear me.


"Oh baby I was so worried! Where are you?!"

"That's the thing. I am locked in a warehouse alone and I kinda need your help. Come to the adress 5223 amble drive."

"I will come for you babe!" Ryan said. Before I could reply, the man hit end.

"Now, Ryan walks into the trap."

"What? No! Please don't!"

"Too late. He's already fallen for it."

"You're a monster! I will do anything! Please let me call him back and tell him not to come!"

The man walked out. I closed my eyes. Why me?

I woke up to a lot of screaming. I opened my eyes to see Ryan being dragged in by my captor. I assume he couldn't see me due to the lighting. My gag was in so I couldnt say anything.

"Ivy! Where Ivy?! What have you don't with her? Kill me hurt me do whatever you want but please let her go!"

I screamed into my gag, loud enough for him to hear. He looked over eagerly. "Oh babe! What have they don't to you?"


I saw him get tied to a chair. I saw a gag get placed in his mouth. But worst of all, I saw them inject some fluid into him. What was that?

A few hours-or what seemed like hours-later, Jason woke up. His gag prevented him from talking, but because it was daytime, there was a bit of light and we could see each other. Jason and I had a way to speak to each other through our eyes. It was kind of a bond we shared. Also we knew Morris code. He decided to use Morris code by blinking to me.

He said 'Are you alright?'

'Yes' I blinked back 'but he isn't' I nodded toward Ryan. Jason looked over and saw him.

'Everything will be ok' he blinked 'I told her that if I didn't return in a day she should call the cops' I knew by her he meant Hailey.

'Thank you'

I was still extremely worried about what they put in Ryan. He was everything to me and...I needed to know. The next time our captor came, he brought food for us.

He removed my gag and started force feeding me because I didn't want to eat.

"What did you put into Ryan?" I finally asked.

"Drugs to make him pass out. We weren't able to use chloroform on him to we knocked him out with that."

After that, I wasn't able to speak because I had food shoved down my throat. It tasted bitter.

The man moved over to feed Jason. When he removed the gag, Jason said something.

"Mike?" He said. The man turned to him, recognizing his name being said. That's when it hit me. Mike was Jason's best friend. Why would he do this?

"Mike, why are you doing this?"

"To tear your sister's life apart!"


"Because she rejected me. I have always loved her and she goes off and dates this bastard." I knew he meant Ryan. I wanted to tear his face off right then and there.

"If you love her then why are you doing this?! Don't you want her to be happy?"

"Only if she's happy with me."

I said something into my gag, and he heard. "What's that?" He asked. He took the cloth out of my mouth.

"If I go with you and leave Ryan, will you let him go?"

Mike laughed, "No, I will never release him."

I growled. He came forward to kiss my on my lips, but I didn't kiss back.

"I just want him released!" I said.

"Awww how sweet. But I must decline. He's not worth it."

"He's worth way more than you are, you asshole!"

"Sticks and stones love!"

I growled.

This will be the death of me.


Comment PLEASE! I love getting them. I love you all. Thank you @CheezyCookie for supporting me! Love you all! Xoxoxo


We Will be the Last Ones Standing-A Hot Chelle Rae FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now