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(Hello lovely readers! This chapter is dedicated to @alycia_wiant. Thanks for the amazing comments babe! Oh and second of all WHAT'S WITH THIS WHOLE RYAN'S ENGAGED THING! I hope it's just rumors. Anyway, love you guys. <3)

Chapter 29

Ivy's P.o.V

I got up in the morning feeling confused. I know that Ryan told me he didn't love me last night, so was this all fake? Did I even deserve him? What made him say that? Did I do something? I'll have to talk to Jamie. Jamicles is one of the closest people to Ryan, there is no one that knows him better. I thought I was one of Ryan's closest friends too, but apparently that's not true.

I saw that Ryan wasn't next to me. Figures. I dressed into a white light dress that went to my knees with a dark brown belt. It was cute, nothing fancy.

As I walked out of the room, I spotted just the person I needed to speak with.

"Jamie!" I said. He looked up and smiled, his beautiful blue eyes sparkling.

"What's up Ivy?"

"Can I...uh speak with you for a sec?"

His face showed deep confusion and worry, and he stood up right away. "Sure."

I pulled him into Ryan and my own bunk/room. It was like a tiny bedroom but it only had a bed and a small bit of a walkway.

"What happened this time?"

"Well, that's the thing...I don't really know. See, youre someone who knows Ryan really well...and I'm wondering if he said anything to you. Last night, he was already asleep and I was just about to fall asleep, when he said something along the lines of 'he'd be better off without me in his life'. Do you know anything about this?"

Jamie's face looked as confused as I felt. "No, I mean, the last time I checked, he couldn't get enough of you. Did you two get in a fight or something...?"

"No, I think the last time we fought was before we were a couple. I've been so happy and sure we've had our disagreements, but nothing that would cause his words last night."

Jamie sighed, "He's loved you for a while now, and after everything you've been through, I doubt this is anything he means. I think it was just a nightmare. Don't think too hard on it, you'll be ok. If this continues, talk to him about it. See what's going on in that messed up head of his, but don't beat yourself up. Both of you will be ok, your relationship will only grow."

"Knock on wood," I muttered. He smiled, then pulled me into a hug.

"Love you Ivy," he said. Not in a way like how Ryan says it...or how I think Ryan says it, but more in a friendly way. But it surprised me, this was the first time he'd said that.

"Love you too, Jamie," I replied. We both exited the room, and I went to find Ryan.


My boyfriend showed no indication that he meant or even knew what he said the night before. I decided not to question him on it. He's been in such a good mood recently, it was best to leave it be.

"Truth or dare," he said. Ryan, Nash, Ian, Jamie, Cam, Jason, Hailey and I were playing Truth or Dare and I just asked Ryan that.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest guy here on the cheek. But notice how I said guy cos let's be honest, if I said person we all know I'd smoke all you bitches!" I quoted from Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Ryan laughed, "Well, there's no way to kiss my own cheek so..." He went up to Ian and kissed his right cheek. We all laughed at his cockiness.

"Alright, your turn Ivy, truth or dare?"


"Chicken! But whatever. Do you still have a thing for Mitchel?"

I giggled, "Nope," I said popping the 'p' and smirking. "Not that it would matter anyway. He's gay! Anyway, Jason! Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to...get a banana and eat it VERY seductively on Nash's bunk!"

His face was priceless. I smiled, "Hey at least I didn't make Nash have it between his legs or something!" I defended.

"Ok ok!" He grabbed a banana from the kitchen and did as he was told, which we got a picture of and posted on Instagram. We did a few more truths and dares and before we knew it, it was time for sleeping!

It happened again tonight. Ry was asleep and this is what I heard, "We're through Ivy! It's much better for me! I don't love you anymore and I have a career and fans! You...well what do you have?"

A single tear slid down my cheek. What did I have...besides him?


All done! Sorry I kept you waiting. Got caught up with school. But I just finished watching Miley Cyrus' performance. GROSSSSSSS! If you haven't seen it RUN RUN RUN AND DON'T WATCH IT! But I'll update the day after tomorrow! Don't kill me if I forget! Leave a commer lovelies! I love you guys soooooooooooo much and more! Xoxo


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