Friends, lovers, or enemies?

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It was............Morgan. Ugh. Why? She walked in like she was the queen of the scene and gave Ryan a kiss on the cheek. He looked at me with a 'Im so sorry I didn't tell you' look. I sighed with annoyance. "Hey, baby" Morgan said, "who is this?" she obviously meant me een though we didn't make eye contact.  

"This," Ryan answered awkwardly, "this is my...uh....good friend Ivy. Ivy this is-" 

I cut him off, "Morgan. I know." 

She gave me a look like I was the most pathetic thing on earth. I crossed my arms and looked away. I have a feeling this is going to be a great relationship.  

"Well now that you two have met," Ryan said rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm gonna go...uh....yeah" 

He left but I was aware he was still watching us eve though I couldnt see him.  

"Morgan," I said, "I hope you know he doesn't really love you. He just doesn't like breaking hearts." 

She looked a bit hurt but recovered quickly, "Go to hell," she replied. That's just the kind of behavior I would expect.  

"You know for the sweet guy Ryan is I would expect him to pick less of a bitch. I guess you can't have everything." 

"I'm the bitch? I think you're the bitch." 

I smirked, "And that's Queen Bitch to you." the best way I found out to argue with someone is to counter their arguments by agreeing with them and countering them at the same time.  

She frowned, "You know, I think Ryan has an awful taste in friends." 

"Maybe but if he does that includes you." 

She frowned again, "No because I'm his special friend." 

"okay, give me one good reason why you're special." I demanded.  

"Well Ryan is dating me not you." 

"So? There is nothing on this earth that makes you any different from all the other bitches that are in this world!" 

Ryan stepped in, "Ivy! Stop! I know you two don't get along very well but that gives you no reason to say that!" 

"You WOULD take her side wouldn't you?" to be honest this was more out of jealousy than anything.  

"What are you talking about?"  

"Ugh. I'm so out of here," I said and walked out the tour bus door. I didn't really care when I realized he was running after me.

"Ivy! Stop!" 

"No Ryan! I don't understand how you can be with that bi-" 

"stop calling her that!" 

"but it's ok for her to call me that!" 

"I never said it was!" he yelled.  

"Ok ok. Look Ryan I don't want to fight. Let me just go home, you enjoy your time with Morgan, and things can go back to the way they were!" 

"No chance! Ivy! Do you know why I'm upset with you?" 

"Yes! I called your girlfriend a B!" 

"No that's not it at all. It's completely true. I was waiting a long time for that kiss and...I want to end it with Morgan...but you making her upset is making it harder." 

I finally faced him, "Okay. I have been waiting for that kiss for a long time too....but I'm not ready for a relationship. Can we just stay friends and when we're ready we can....pick up where we left off?" 

"....I'm cool with that." 

I smiled, "Good." I gave him my new number and he gave me his. Now we can stay in touch.


*two months later*

Ryan called today. He said there was something urgent he needed to talk to me about. He didn't tell me what but I think it involved Morgan....

We Will be the Last Ones Standing-A Hot Chelle Rae FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now