The Missing Girlfriend

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Chapter 17

Ryan's P.o.V

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I looked to my right and noticed Ivy wasn't next to me. Odd. She probably went to do something. I looked at the clock. 7:00 am. Ivy never wakes up this early. Neither of us do. This is weird.

I walked over to find the boys all passed out. Hailey was still asleep. I checked my phone. No missed calls or texts.

I called Ivy. It rang 5 times. Then I heard, "Hello, you've reached Ivy Moor. I prolly don't want to talk to you or I didn't hear my phone. Leave a message unless I don't know you and I prolly won't call back. Have a nice day!"

Her answering machine. I heard the beep and said, "Hey, Ivy. Um its me Ryan. I'm just wondering where you are. Call me back. I love you."

She usually picks up on the thirs ring. When i send her a text message, she usually responds right away. I decided I'd try.

'Hi babe. Where r u?'

I put my phone right next to me, waiting anxiously for the reply. There was none.

An hour later, I began to get really worried. What if she's in trouble and I'm not there? What if she is with some other guy? My next thought nearly killed me. What if...what if she's dead? No, she can't be dead. I tried calling her again. I got nothing but voicemail.

I woke the guys up, "Guys, get up! Hailey! Jason! Nash! Ian! Jamie!"

"What?" They all groaned in unison.

"Ivy's gone."

Hailey and Jason shot up immediately, "WHAT?!" They yelled. They guys said something similar, all of their faces had looks of concern and confusion.

"I woke up this morning and she wasn't there. There was no note or calls and she won answer her phone."

"We need to call the police," Hailey said.

"No," Jason interjected, "they'll only say we have to wait 48 hours before they conduct a search. We have to find her."

"Jason's right. Whatever happened-" Ian was cut off by me running out the door. I heard people shouting behind me, but I ignored them. I just remembered something. Last night I heard someone knock on the door. I was so tired, I thought I was just imagining things. I don't think I was though.

I ran out into the parking lot and, sure enough, there were tire marks on the found that weren't there yesterday. Also I found a bracelet I remember Ivy was wearing. It was on the ground and covered in mud. No! No! This can't be happening. I picked up the bracelet. "I WILL find you baby! No matter how long it takes," I swore, knowing that wherever she was, she heard that in her heart.

All of a sudden, it hit me like a bucket of ice water. My baby, my Ivy, has been abducted by someone we don't know. And I wasn't there to protect her. She's probably scared out of her mind right now, and I'm not holding her hand. I wasn't there when she needed me. I'm a pretty horrible boyfriend.

When the reality of it hit me, I sunk to the ground, misery washing over me. I put my head in my hands and sobbed. I felt someone's arms around me. I looked up to see Hailey hugging me. I shrugged her off. I know that's kinda mean, but I didnt want anyone to touch me unless it was Ivy right now.

"I know youre upset Ryan but-"

"No!" I cut her off, "Im going to find her. I won't abandon her. You can't stop me."

"I'm sorry Ry-"

"I don't want your sympathy," I said coldly, "But I need your help. Do you know anyone who would want to do this?"

She bit her lip. I could tell she was hiding something.

"What? You can't with hold information about a missing girl."

"I know. She just...she didn't want me to tell anyone."


"Well, she's been getting a lot of hate and death threats from your fans."

My eyes widened. My fans? "My fans would never do that!" I protested. "Even if they don't like her, they know I love her and they wouldnt tear her away from me...would they?" I didn't give her the time to answer. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

"Hello, this is the police department what is your emergency?" A woman's voice said from the other line.

"I have to report a case of a missing girl."

"Yes, what is her name?"

"Ivy Moor. She's 23 years old. She's my girlfriend."

"How long has she been missing?"

"I'm not entirely sure. She was taken last night. That's all I know."

"Ok, we'll look into it but you have to wait 48 hours before we report her to be missing."

"Yes, I know. Just...find her."

"In case we need it, what is your name?"

"Ryan Follese."

"Alright. Thank you."

I hung up and looked at the bracelet still clenched in my hand.

"I'm coming babe."

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