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Yeah yeah just a boring author's note but please please please read because this has some important news! First of all, I want to thank all my readers! You guys are amazing and I love getting comments! Second, I have sad news that this fanfiction will be drawing to a close sometime not too far from now. But not yet! I'm hoping to get at least 7 or 8 more chapters 10 tops. Idk though. There may be more or there may be less. Third, I don't own all of the songs I put in this fanfiction. I ONLY OWN THE PEOPLE I CREATED! Fourth, feel free to follow my Twitter and Wattpad. My Twitter is @The_Glambert23 so please go follow that! Also you can go check out my other stories and fanfiction on here! I just wanna thank you all and say that if there's anything you want to talk about and ask or anything really please comment or message me or even DM me on Twitter. Ok well this could get very deep. I promise there WILL be a new chapter tomorrow. I just haven't gotten around to it today. School gets in the way of everything so I might not update as often. I'll try though. Love you all. Xoxo


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