3 times

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When I arrived home, Aunt Emily was there. She tried to give me a hug but I wouldn't let her. She gave up and returned to her conversation with Mom thank God. I sat with them for a bit but I didn't say anything. Then I figured what the hell? I got up and went to my room

Why did my parents paint this room pink when I was a baby? I mean they must've known I was gonna grow out of it. Whatever. I flopped on my bed. Bored. I decided to text Hailey. She didn't respond. She must be at dinner.

Finally deciding what to do, I got up and climbed out my window. I dropped to the ground and ran off the same direction I went before. I ran into him again on my way back this time, he whispered something in my ear, "three times"

I knew what he meant. Three times before we actually talk. If we were supposed to meet then we would meet 3 times.

I smiled and slowed into a walk.

I arrived at Hailey's house a few minutes later. I knocked on the door. Hailey's brother Tristin answered. I was like a sister to him. Therefore I pushed him out of the way and walked to Hailey's room. The light was on when I walked in. Her and Matt, her boyfriend, were sitting in there.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked.

"Nope," Hailey answered, "come on in."

I walked in and said, "ok guys warn me if you guys are about to do anything like violently making out or something because I don't want to see anything that I don't want to see."

Haikey laughed and, in unison, we quoted, "No funny business!"

We said that because two years ago we pretended to be a gay couple just because we could and this lady was like, "Okay girls, I don't want to see anything I don't want to see so no funny business!" we both had cracked up.

Well I kind of made things worse because just then Hailey and Matt started violently making out. Of course. I ran out of there. I don't mind people making out it's just I don't want to see my best friend doing it. Therefore I jogged back home knowing that uninterrupted them in one of their 'moments'

That night, at 10:30, I went onto the roof. This is what I wrote.

'I found the key to unlock the door to find the path and start a journey. I met him today...sort of.

~Titanic Moment'

I ways signed things Titanic Moment. It was my way of speakking to the world. Then I let the paper go and watched it as it was ushered away by the summer breeze. I sighed.

I got up at 6:00 am for my morning run. Nothing happened on the way to the park but on the way back, he was standing in my way obviously waiting for me.

"I knew you'd come," I said.

He smiled. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the junkyard. "what I'd your name?" he asked.

"Ivy Moor. You?"

"Ryan Follese. How old are you?"

"13. What about you?"

"17. Now, I am going to ask a few questions. You can't say I don't know but you can say pass. Where do you live?"

"2343 New Oak drive."

"What is your favorite color?"

"Blue and white."

"Why do you keep the hood on?"

"....pass." I'd be telling an almost complete stranger this.

"What is your phone number?"

This I was not afraid to tell him because I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I just knew it. We exchanged numbers but it's not like we're together or anything.

Soon a rutine was made. Every morning, at 6:15 sharp, we would meet at the junkyard. I'd get home at 7:15 and go back to bed. My mother would t even know I was gone. One morning, a few months after we met, i removed my hood. This for me showed the ultimate sign of trust. He removed his as well. He smiled, "Do you mind if I being my brother Jamie tomorrow?"

"No, not at all. Why?"

"He really wants to meet you."


For the rest of the year, this is how things went. When I was 14, my Mom finally found out. She forbade me from ever seeing him. She had me on constant watch. I couldn't see him anymore. I called him and told him so. My heart was crushed though. I trust Ryan. I told him everything. Now though now I don't have him...

We Will be the Last Ones Standing-A Hot Chelle Rae FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now