Today is Gonna Be a Fun Day

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Chapter 22

Ivy's P.o.V

I was caught in nothing. Blackness. Darkness. A black hole. And there was nowhere to go...except forward. And forward I went. Well, it's really hard to explain to someone who's never passed out like this, but I saw a strange light ahead. Something in me screamed it was wrong, but how could light be wrong? My mind was cluttered. I didn't remember why I passed out. Something about love...wait...I remember blood. Love and blood. blood. Ah! I remember! I was cutting again and wrote LOVE one my arm! But why wasn't I wet? Where was I? Should I move toward the light?

I felt my eyelids flutter open as they revealed me in mine and Ryan's bed, with him sitting next to me, sleeping on a chair.

"Defuq?" I managed to say. (yes that is English...kinda)

Ryan jolted forward, realizing I was awake.

"Ivy babe! Oh my God! I was so worried!" He pulled me into a tight embrace.

"R-Ry I c-can't bre-eath," I stuttered through the hug.

"What? Oh! Sorry." He pulled back. "Sweetheart, why did you worry me like that? What happened? Don't ever do it again!"

"Um...I wanted a permanent tattoo?" I said, with a tone that was more of a question. He gave me a stern look, but there was no way in hell I'd tell him the truth.

"Er..." I had to think of something, "my Mom came her while you were out and..."


"And she threatened us."

"So cutting yourself would make that better? Ivy, you need to stop!" His voice raised so he was almost yelling. That did nothing to help.

I cringed slightly and whimpered at the sound of yelling.

"Oh, baby, I am so so so so so so sorry. I didn't mean to yell. It's just're perfect Ivy...nothing anyone says or does is gonna change that. Don't cut yourself because of your mother. Don't cut yourself at all!"

Thank god he bought the lie. He leaned down and kissed me. When he pulled back, I sighed.

"Imma get some rest."

He nodded, "Alright babe. I'll be here when you get up.

I fell into a deep sleep, but my dreams were far from pleasant. I was walking through a dark forest at night, holding Ryan's hand when suddenly he pulled away and started walking back.

I called after him, "Ryan?"

He didn't turn around, he just said, "It's for your own good!"

Suddenly I was locked in a cage with a guy with a gun. The only thin between him and me was a glass wall. He was wearing all bright orange, obviously from jail, and I was wearing all black. I screamed in terror. He pulled the trigger and-

I woke up screaming. Ryan rushed to my side. He gave me a huge hug and let me rest my head on him.

", it was just a dream. It was just a dream baby girl," he told me.

I let my tears soak into his shirt as I said, "Why did you leave me?" I was referring to the dream, but he didn't know that.

"Leave you? Babe, what are you talking about?"

"You were holding my hand and then...and then you left me!"

"Ivy, you're not making sense."

I sighed, my breath shaking. I closed my eyes, pulled away, and calmed myself, "Nevermind. It was only a dream."

I got out of bed, but stumbled a bit as I stood. Ryan held onto my arms until I was sure I could stand right. That's when I realized I was only in a bra and underwear.

"Thanks for dressing me so well," I said sarcastically.

"Relax. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before."

"Watch your mouth, young man." I kissed him gently.

He laughed, "I think you do a good enough job of that yourself."

I giggled. "Shoo! Let me get dressed."

He left the room and I dressed into jeans and a T-shirt. They were comfort clothes.

When I opened up the door, Ryan looked at me and smiled, "You look gorgeous. Today, we take it easy for you! So...wanna watch Paranormal Activity 3?"

"Fuck yeah! I might be hiding in your lap the whole time but let's do it!"

He laughed. "I'm ok with that. As long as you're not scared!"

"Yeah, I'll just hide in you lap for no reason!"

"I'm down!"

And that's why I love him. So completely and utterly. Not because he loves Paranormal Activity, but because he's so...him. There are too many reasons I love him, I can't name them. But he IS very real. Sorry if I don't make sense, but love makes you crazy.

Today is gonna be fun.


Comment please, lovelies. Love ya bitches! Haha! Xoxo!


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