Boy Battles

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Its a Monday. I've have nothing to do. I don't have job and the guys are...I don't know where they are. It's some meeting for tour that I wasn't allowed to go to. I guess I'll go do something.

I went to Burlington Coat Factory because I found an outfit that I want but it's only there. It's a pink taktop with white mini shorts. It looked great on me.

I was walking to the cash register when this random guy walks into me and makes me drop my stuff.

Annoyed, I bent down to pick up my stuff.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized.

"Its fine."

He heled me pick up my clothes. he looked at me. He stuck out his hand to shake, "I'm Mitchel."

I shook it, "I'm Ivy."

"Nice to meet you, Ivy."

"Nice to meet you too, Mitchel."

We talked for a bit. He insisted on giving me his number. He was nice so I gave it to him. There was no harm in that.

After I got my clothes, I called Jamie. He said they weren't finished yet. I decided I'd go walk aroun the mall.

I was walking past Forever 21. Those manakins are scary, I must say. I thought one was a real person and accidentally walked into it. It ended in my apologizing to it and hitting myself, realizing it wasn't real. We've all done that right?

However, when I was in Forever 21, i found Ryan's jacket from the Hung Up music video. I stopped to take a picture and send it to him. Just then, Mitchel bumped into me.

"Funny meeting you here," I said.

"Yes it is! Wow! I did not expect this!"

We decided we walk around the mall for a bit because both of us were alone.

*Mitchel's P.o.V*

Confession! I was stalking her sort of. At Burlington, I meant to run into her. I saw a killer hot chick so what was I supposed to do? I smoothly gave her my number and things were going great. I already had a crush on her.

I followed her to the mall and ran into her again on purpose. When we walked around the mall, I inquired whether or not she was seeing someone. She said no. Altogether, she is perfect for me. But she keeps mentioning this guy named Ryan...

*Ivy's P.o.V*

When he asked is I was seeing anyone I knew what he was doing. I decided to play it smooth, say no, but mention Ryan a lot as if I wanted to be with Ryan. It was going fine. I excused myself when Jamie texted that thy would be back soon.

Mitchel wanted to walk me to my car. No chance in hell.

"No thank you," I said. He nodded and walked away.

In the car, I called Jamie.

"Hey, Jamicles!"

"Hey Ivy!" he responded.

"What's the plan here?"

"We're gonna meet you at the 5 star hotel and get two rooms there."

Once we were there, we sorted out the sleeping arrangements. Who would be with whom.

It ended up me and Ryan in one room and Nash, Ian, and Jamie in another. I wasn't exactly fond of sharing a room with Ryan but it was for one night. What's the worst that could happen?

Hell. That's what happened.

This is how it all happened.

"Ivy," Ryan said, "where were you earlier?"

It was about 11:30 and I was on my bed and he was on his.

"Burlington and then the mall. Why?"

"I beard some guy that was talking to you in the background. Just worried. That's all."

"Oh, Mitchel."


"Mitchel. I met him at Burlington. We accidentally met at the mall too. He was hitting on me. You saved me."


"Well he asked if I was seeing anyone and I said no but I mentioned that I was interested in someone else. He asked who. No one cane to mind so I said you. He seemed pretty chill after that."

"So you are interested in me?"

"No. I just didn't want a relationship with him either."

"If you had to choose Mitchel or me, who would you go with?"

"I don't have to make that descision and I never will."

"Knock on wood," Ryan muttered, "so you don't want either of us?"

"...I honestly don't know what I want right now." I admitted.

He seemed to smile at this, "So there is a chance?"


"How 'bout I meet you at 7:00 tomorrow evening at Jasmine's restaurant? Just to see how it would go..."


Just then we were interrupted by a call. I answered. It was Mitchel.

"Hey, Mitchel. What's up?"

"What are you doing tomorrow evening?"

"Nothing," I lied. He didn't need to know.

"Good. Meet me at Jasmine's restaurant at 7:00 sharp. See you then!"

He hung up. I looked over at Ryan.

"Bad news," I said, "Mitchel is still interested in me."

Ryan rolled his eyes. I explained to him what happened.

"Whom do you choose? You have to bail on one of us," Ryan said.

What did I just get myself into?

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