Here today, gone tomorrow

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I have been getting a lot of hate from the fans because I'm with Ryan but I wouldn't expect anything less it's just jealousy. I haven't told Ryan about it'll pass.

*One month later*

Tour is over. Ryan and I are doing great. I'm going back to CA. He decided to come with me. When I got back, Hailey hugged me so tight, I thought I would burst. When she saw Ryan she froze. I introduced them and she almost fainted. He laughed.

At the end of our visit to Hailey, she told me there was someone asking if I would do a job interview. I wanted a job so I asked what it was. She told me all about it. It was great. It was at a local hotel and I could easily take time off to tour with HCR when they were touring. It was literally perfect. Then she threw this in at the end, "It's great but the interview is in Texas and they only have one seat on the plane and one ticket. Ryan would have tomsay behind..."

My heart sank. The past month I've been with Ryan 247365. Life without him would be...hard. But it would only be a few days.

"How long would it be?"' Ryan asked. He put his arm around my waist.

"2 weeks," she replied.

"Nope," I answered quickly, "Can't do it!"

"Thats the thing. Before you told me you were Ryan I promised you could..."

My heart felt like a rock. Ryan looked at me, "It won't be that long, sweetheart. We'll be back together in no time."

Love is truly a double-edged sword. "...Alright.... If I have to I have to. When will I leave?"

"Tomorrow...."she said, unsure of how I'd react.

"TOMORROW?! And you JUST told me about it?! I need to go get packed. It's 11:00. What time does the plane leave?"

"7:00 am."

I grabbed my purse and Ryan's hand. Then we went home and he helped me pack.

*At the airport*

It was 6:52. My flight was about to be called. I dropped my bags, threw my arms around Ryan's neck, and kissed him. We stayed like that until the flight was called at which point we let go and I boarded the plane regretfully.

'it won't be that long' I told myself. It won't be long.

*Two days later*

Today is the day of the interview. I have to be here this long because there are a lot of people applying and we have to stay until they choose. It's in Texas because, even though the hotel was local, we had to be at the main building which was in Texas. Weird I know.

I'm gonna miss my boy a lot. I got into my nicest outfit and texted Ryan, telling him I was about to go into the interview.

I brushed away my nervousness and entered the room. (I have never had an interview so this is just how I imagine it)

There was a bald guy in a suit sitting in a chair on one side of the table. He wore a serious expression. He motioned for me to sit down, then shook my hand.

"Ms. Moor, as I'm sure you know, I'm Mr. Swaggerhoff."

"You can just call me Ivy, Mr. Swaggerhoff."

"This is a matter of business, we NEVER call someone by his or her first name." he scratched something down on a sheet of paper.

Then he looked up at me again, "Your reseme?" (not sure how to spell that)

I handed the paper to him. He read it and nodded, "Not the best I've seen, Ms. Moor but it's do."

He asked me a bunch more questions, made me sign a shitload of papers and fill out forms and crap.

By the time I got back to the hotel, I swore my arm was broken from signing everything. I called Ryan and told him how it went.

He congratulated me.

"I know. I'm just THAT fabulous," I said dramatically.

He laughed, "And humble too!"

"Yes, I'm so humble, I brag about it! Aren't I wonderful?"

"I'm not gonna answer that. Your head's already as big as your waist."

"Mighty kind of my boyfriend to say," I said, knowing he was joking. So was I.

"Oh, Ivy, sweetheart, I have to go get ready for an interview. I love you, babe."

"Love you too, Ry." he disconnected the line. I wanted to just pack up and leave right then and there.

I watched the interview on TV. When they asked about relationships, Ian answered first, "I am not single," He said.

"Single!" Jamie said/yelled.

"Single!" Nash said in a similar tone.

Ryan answered last, "I have a mighty fine lady who is in Texas right now!" I looked down, wishing with all my might to just transport myself back there.

At the end of the interview, I turned off the TV and sighed. I miss him.

*One week later*

Today is the day we find out who got the job. I am heading over there right now n

Mr. I-already-forget-his-name (interviewer dude) spoke, "First of all we'd like to thank you all for coming. We hope you enjoyed your stay in Austin, Texas. Its so nice here. And of course we thank the boss and manager for everything they've done to arrange this trip. This is our hotel's 40th anneversary and we'd like to point out all the things we've done. First we've-" he went through another 2 hours with his speech at the conference. This is all I heard of it, "And we'll give the new position as front desk to...Mrs. Andrews." I frowned. I didn't get the job...I came all this way not to get the job. When the conference was over, I called Ryan and Jamie and told them what happened. They were there for me. Then they said they had an idea and they'd tell me about it when I came home. I wonder what it is....

I need to know who wants me to continue. Who likes it? Leave a comment PLEASE! I will respond to whatever you have to say.

We Will be the Last Ones Standing-A Hot Chelle Rae FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now