"Okay." I replied before hanging up. I curled up in my stiff hospital bed with my phone under my pillow. I pull out my headphones from my duffle bag of clothes Barry got for me and put shuffle on my Amazon playlist. The first song that starts playing is Pity Party by Melanie Martinez. My eyelids grow heavy as I drift off to sleep listening to her amazing voice.


"Wake up sleepy head." a faint voice wakes me from my deep slumber. I opened my eyes and I'm greeted by bright lights leaking from the blinds. I glance over at the chair that's next to my bed to see Barry scowling through my phone. 

"How do you even know my password?" I mumbled.

"Your lock screen is a picture of a shirtless Brendon Urie. I could make a couple guesses on your password." Barry chuckles. I roll my eyes at him. Something I need to stop doing because one day my eyes will roll out my head. "Not a fan of your lock screen, but your home screen makes me forget about it." I raise my eyebrow because I've forgotten what my home screen is. Barry passes my phone over for me to see and it's a picture of Barry giving me a piggy back ride in the corridors of S.T.A.R Labs. A blush creepy it's way to my cheeks. I hate how he can always make me blush and he doesn't even have to say anything.

"One of my favorites. Anyway, do you think you can check me out of the hospital?" I ask.


"Please! I feel just fine." I plead. I watch as Barry bits the inside of his checks defining his jawline even more.

"You need more rest." counters Barry.

"I can't be here forever!" I exclaimed. "It's going to drive me crazy if I stay here for even one more day."

"Fine, but you have to promise me your'll rest at home." says Barry.

"Deal." I smile as I cross my fingers under my pillow. The last thing I need is to rest.


Barry and I are outside of the hospital and are making our way back to Central City. Currently were in Starling City. Barry slugs my duffle bag over his shoulder causing his shirt to rise up. This causes his V line to be expose. I decide to poke him on his expose skin for my entertainment. Barry lets out a yelp as he slides away from me.

"Why are your hands so cold?!" Barry asked.

"My hands are always cold." I laugh.

"Not that cold." Barry mumbles as he adjusts the duffle bag. "Their like Popsicle sticks."

"How romantic." I smile, placing my hands over my heart.

"Shut up!" Barry chuckles. As we continue to walk we come across a Big Belly Burger. I nudge Barry with my shoulder to gain his attention. He raises his eyebrow at me. A way to say What's up?.

"Know what I'm in the moody for?" I ask.

"Food?" Barry ask. I node my head and look over at BBB. "Let's eat." After ordering us both burgers and fries. (Barry had to order six burgers and three fries for himself due to his big hunger. He says it's a down side for his super speed because he has to spend so much money on food, but to me it's pretty cool. Your friends can't judge you for eating to much and I just love food period.) "How are you feeling?" Barry ask, as he finishes his fourth burger.

"Better." I shrug. "Hospital food isn't the best."

"Wasn't really talking about the food, but good to know." Barry laughs. "I meant how your chest feels."

"Oh, well it burns a bit, but I got medication for it. Other then that I'm fine." I smile. We continue to eat in silence, but not one of those unconformable silences. Sitting in silence with Barry is conformable and normal. I need a bit of normal in my life once in a while. Right when I was really starting to like the silence my phone starts ringing. I look at caller I.D and see that it's Audrey. "Sorry." I mumble as I answer it.

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