Their Morning Rituals

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Jim- Since you both work horrible hours, he tries to make mornings as pleasant as possible by making you coffee and sometimes breakfast. After he finishes making the coffee he goes back to where you are still fast asleep and wakes you with a kiss on the cheek. Sometimes after ten minutes of pleading, he'll come back to bed and just lay with you while you both silently enjoy one another's company.

Jerome- Jerome is not a morning person in the slightest. When he does stir, he opens his eyes and makes sure that his arms are still around your waist. After doing this he'll kiss your neck and whisper "Good morning, Gorgeous." in that really deep gravely morning voice you love to hear. If you don't reply he'll either rest his head in the crook of your neck to fall back to sleep, or tickle you until you wake up. Whichever he feels like doing, because either way you wake with a smile.

Oswald- Oswald is a little.....different. You don't sleep in the same room, he believes in privacy.(Even though Butch guards your bedroom door). He always makes you pancakes or crepes, foods he never ate when he was a child. He doesn't mind doing this himself because it's all for you. You are the one happy part of his life that he doesn't have to hide a secret life from. You're that constant ray of sunshine that he sees everyday, and couldn't live without.

Ed- He likes to watch you sleep. As creepy as that sounds he does. He loves the feeling of you in his arms, your tiniest facial expressions you make while you dream and how you talk in your sleep. He doesn't do this to be a stalker. He does it so he can always picture and know how it feels to have someone who loves you for all your faults, trust you enough to sleep in their arms. Oh and he loves it when snuggle into his chest. (He'll never admit it.)

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