Chapter 23:Weird Dream

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Nikki's P.O.V                                          I cried so hard and so much that I fell asleep soon afterwards. Usually whenever I fall asleep I have good dreams, but from the moment I saw or dreamt my dream, I could tell it wasn't going to be a good one. Dream:I'm walking up a driveway to a large house. It's night. I look down at my hands, but I'm not able to see them. At first I think it's too dark, but I realize that I'm wearing black gloves.The gloves aren't the only black that I have on, I'm wearing a black shirt, black pants, and I feel one of my black beanies on top of my head. Black? Why am I wearing all black? I try to stop walking, but it's like my feet have a mind of their own. I feel something in my hand, I squint and see that it's one of Mom's steak knives from our kitchen. What am I doing with this?.  I stop once I'm in front of a bronze colored door.My right hand goes up to my hair and picks out one of my hairpins. I get down on my knees, in front of the door and slowly pick the lock. Since when do I know how to do this? I hear a small click, the door swings open and I walk inside. I walk towards the kitchen and cut the power, the house is engulfed in total darkness. What am I doing? I walk up the stairs of the house, I stop when I hear Madison's confused voice. Madison? Is this her house? It probably is. I push her door open and there she is, her back towards me. She's sitting in her bed, with her computer on her lap and her phone to her ear. I tiptoe into her room and leave the door open. I walk a few steps until I'm standing behind her. I raise my left hand, the one that isn't holding the knife and I cover her mouth. She reacts instantly. Her screams come out muffled. She turns around and sees my face. Her pupils go small with terror. I lean in towards her face and drag the knife lightly down her skin. A whimper comes out of her.  I feel my mouth form into a smile or some sort of smirk and hear my voice say," do you know what I'm going to do to you Maddy".Except, it doesn't sound like my voice, IT sounds like a guy's, almost familiar. I pull my face back and let the hand that's holding the knife, cut her blonde locks. They fall down onto her pink spreadsheet. She screams with shock and horror as she sees her hair fall. I lean back into her face and the voice that isn't mine says," That, was to let you know that I'm serious. Now, the real fun begins, well, at least for me". My blood runs cold at the words spoken, not liking how they sound. I let go of her and she takes off running down the stairs, screaming and crying. The scene changes and I feel my body fly through the air. I hear a thump!. I'm on top of Madison. I raise my knife, and stab her in the stomach. No! Horrified at what I'm seeing, I try so hard to stop it, to stop my arm. But it's like, I'm sleepwalking.  Madison lets out a wail of pain. The sound of it hurts my ears. Her eyes go glassy as she dies right in front of me. I feel a warmth underneath my hand, I raise it and see that it's covered in blood. Her blood. Madison's blood. Madison, who I just killed. No, no. I slap myself and scream,"Wake up! Wake up Nikki! You have to wake up now! Wake up!".

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