Chapter 11: Doctors Visit

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Nikki's P.O.V
Darkness is all about I can see, which means I must've blacked out again.Yeah, Nikki, you did, you're in a hospital room, again.Nick. hey, yeah, it's me, listen Nicole,you have to open Your eyes, everyone's worried, including Shane. Slowly, I peel my eyes open and bright white lights blind me instantly. I shut my eyes for a second, then open them. I turn my head to the left and see Shane wrapped in a blanket, sleeping in a hospital chair. I look at the clock and see that it's 11:45 at night. I must've been out for some time. I hear someone clear his or her throat. I look in the doorway and there's Dr. Warren, with a clipboard in his hand and a bottle of pills in the other. He walks quietly over to my bedside and brings a chair and sits next to me. He smiles and whispers,"hey, Nicole, how are you feeling?" I answer him in a whisper," my forehead hurts, my throat hurts when I swallow or cough, and I'm coughing a lot". Dr. Warren makes a humming sound then says," tell me who Nick is, Nikki". My blood runs cold for a minute, Nick is silent too. I decide to play dumb.   " Nick?, I don't know what you're talking about Dr. Warren". I answer him. He chuckles softly and says," you were talking in your sleep, and you were muttering the name Nick, over and over again". I'm quiet for a minute before I answer," that's what I want to name my son, Nicholas, when I have one". Dr.Warren's eyebrow raises up then raises back down again. He hands me the bottle of pills and says," here, this medicine should help with your headaches, I'll talk to your parents about assigning you to a therapist, ok?". He doesn't wait for my answer, he leaves a bottle of pills on my night table then leaves my room. I whisper," that was close wasn't it Nick?"  Would you really name your kid after me Nikki?. I laugh softly and whisper," of course you idiot, you may not be alive, but your still my twin brother". I yawn, ready for sleep, I lay back down in my hospital bed and go to sleep, whispering," Good night Nick". Before I fall asleep completely I hear a faint whisper. Good night Nikki, sweet dreams.

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