Chapter 5: It begins

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Nikki's P.O.V
I wake up, my vision all dark. I feel a heavy weight on top of my chest. I peel my eyes open and my vision is blurry for a second and then it's clear. I see that it's Nathaniel, his arms are wrapped around my chest, he's sleeping. I laugh softly, I look to my left and see Shane sleeping in the chair next to my bed. I slowly shake Nate awake. He opens his eyes still half asleep. He sees me, his eyes widen and he yells," sissy!"he hugs me really tight. I hug him back and and say," hey Nate, you miss me?". He pulls back, nods his head and shouts," yeah!!" so loud that Shane falls out of his chair and onto the floor. I laugh. He has this dazed look on his face, then he gets up and practically runs to my side. He engulfs me in a hug and shouts," Nikki,you're awake! you ok?" he leans back, feels my forehead and says," no fever? you don't feel hot, sweaty, nauseous?". I laugh and say," nope, nada, and zelch, I just feel really sleepy" a yawn makes it way out of my mouth. Shane chuckles and says," sure, I'll see you tomorrow" he leaves my hospital room. My mom comes in, hugs me and says," are you ok, Nicole?' I chuckle and say," yes mom, I'm fine, I just forgot to take my pills this morning". She sighs and says," I thought so, your dad came in a little while ago, he went on home, we have to go to, we'll be back in the morning". She kisses my forehead. Nathaniel hugs me one more time, kisses my cheek and whispers," night night sissy, feel better" I laugh softly, kiss his forehead and say," thanks Nathy, love you" he whispers back," love you too". My mom picks him up and leaves my hospital room. I sigh and say," finally, peace and quiet", I lay underneath my hospital covers, get comfortable and fall straight to sleep.

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