Chapter 2: An awesome gift

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Nikki's P.O.V
Shane's standing behind the Tripod looking pissed. Evelyn opens her mouth to say something but Shane glares at her as if daring her to try it. She closes her mouth. Madison flips her hair and says," come on girls, let's go, we might catch their geekness" they walk away, flaunting their asses like their worth something. Shane shakes his head and sits down next to me. He sighs and says," can't wait till I get out of here and start living it up in my mansion". I laugh and say," yeah, and I can't wait to become a famous author and win a Nobel prize, and live in my mansion, with you as my neighbor". Shane and I laugh. Whenever I'm with him,I always laugh. It makes sense though, since we've been friend since middle school. We were partners on a 4th grade science project. Everyone in our class, had to do an A+ worthy project. Shane and I went with a classic: The Mentos Pop Explosion. We brought an orange pop bottle, we had everything planned out, except I had put four extra mentos in, when I was supposed to put in one, but I wanted an A so I put in extra. It was catastrophic, but also really cool. Shane and I were covered in Orange soda, so was our teacher. Sadly to say, we only got a B-. From then on, Shane and I have been friends since. He looks at me and says," I know exactly what would go with your outfit", I raise my eyebrow and say," do you know how weird that sounds?, cause I don't think you do". He just laughs and shakes his head. His arm is halfway in his bag when he says," aha! found them" he pulls out black and red fingerless gloves. He hands them to me, fakes a french accent and says," pretty no?". I laugh and take them and put them on my hands. They look awesome. I say," thanks, Shane, I like them". The bell rings, signaling that class is about to start. Shane and I grab our bookbags and our skateboards and head down the hall to our homeroom. We take our seats and listen to out math teacher drone on about Xs and Ys on graphs. *sigh* let's get this day over with.

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