Chapter 27- Evictions

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1 months has past. It's been a very rough month.

Shion still hasn't said a word about the night of September 26th, 2015. He thought it would be too much for anyone, especially Nezumi, to handle it.

Nezumi gave everything he knew about the man who talked to him in the hospital waiting room. He's on the wanted list, but no one has found him yet.

As each day went on, Nezumi grew more and more furious with the police. He gave them a face description and everything. They should of found him by now. There hasn't been any murders since, which is why the police are having a hard time finding him.

As soon as Shion was checked out of the hospital, Nezumi drove him to a building with a bunch of therapists. He signed Shion up immediately, even agreeing to pay for it if Shion couldn't afford it. Nezumi also asked if they would call him if he wasn't showing up. Shion said he would pay, and didn't talk to Nezumi for 2 days after that. The only reason he called back was because Nexumi was calling him at least a hundred times a day.

Shion has dropped out of night college as well. It was too expensive, and every time he walked in there, he could only think of Tomas and nothing else.

Therapy hasn't really helped that much either. Shion feels it's just a huge waste of time. He is paying for it thought, and is only going because of Nezumi. He hasn't really opened up to her yet, he's hoping that by staying silent that the therapist would eventually just give up on him. However, when a therapist asks questions, she stayed silent until you replied. This dreadful silence made Shion slip out a few secrets. He eventually told her about his dad, as she had been nagging at him about that for weeks.

Only after 2 weeks of therapy, Shion was diagnosed with severe depression, PTSD, and anxiety, despite not telling the therapist much. This only made everything worse for Shion as she told him that he had to take medication for it.

All that's been on his mind lately is trying to say what the letter told him to do again. But he didn't know how much trauma that would cause for Nezumi, seeing his reaction last time.

Shion was driving home from his shift at the Jade Coffee Shop. He works longer shifts now, since he has more time to. It's 4:30pm.

Shion pulled into his parking space, turned off his car, and spaced out for a long time. For the most of it, This Is Gospel by Panic! was playing in his head over and over.

When he finally snapped out of it, he quickly got out of his car and into his apartment. It was snowing like crazy.

As soon as he stepped inside, something seemed incredibly off. The receptionist was staring at him, coldly, and sadly.
Shion walked over there a little more slower than usual. "Hello." He softly said. The receptionist handed him a letter. "You might want to stay here and read it" she said softly.

Shion looked at it, and immediately saw the word, eviction. His heart raced as he opened up the letter. "This seriously can't be right. This can't be..." He thought.

But it was right. The letter told him he only had 3 days to move out. Shion placed a hand over his mouth to try to stop the desperate tears, but his heart and lungs were still crying out to him.

"How long..." The receptionist softly asked. Shion looked up at her. It looked like tears were desperate to escape her eyes too.

"3... 3 days..." Shion said softly. "Oh my god they gave you that short a notice?! What the hell??" She replied back, anger clearly in her voice. Shion couldn't handle standing here anymore. He quickly signed the entrance paper and ran up to his apartment, tears slipping from his eyes.

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