Chapter 2- Chance Encounters

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There's no way this was gonna happen. Shion is only 18. He's heard of one bar though that never asks for an ID...

He decided to go there. He looked up the Ivie Blue Bar, and it turns out it's only 25 minutes away. He drove there, and he parked. The parking lot wasn't that full. It made sense, it's only Tuesday. He decided to walk inside.

"Why am I being so rebellious like this?" He thought. He opened the bar doors, and the smell of alcohol filled the room almost instantly. It was almost revolting. But he really needed a drink...

There was slow, quiet music playing in the background. The booth was half filled, mostly with around 40-50 year old men. They were talking and laughing loudly. They all looked like they came here often. This bar seemed to be a very slow one, close to being out of business. A tight gripping feeling came in Shions heart. He has never done something like this. He stood at the door, trembling a little.

"You'll be fine. They won't ask for an ID" he thought to himself. He then took a seat at the very far right edge of the bar, where no one was sitting. The bartender then eventually spotted him. "Hey young fellow? What can I get yea?" He said, waking over to him.

The tight feeling in his heart became more intense. Shion couldn't look at the bartender in the eyes, he was scared. He knew he didn't belong here.

"Uh..." Shion said, having no idea what he wanted. There was a long awkward pause, with the bartender waiting for an answer that was usually quick, and Shion staring at the table, thinking of what to say."You've never been here before, have you?" Replied the bar tender. Shion buried his head even more. He felt as if everyone was staring at him.

"Uh.... No..." Shion replied. "Hm. Not a problem! I'll grab you a menu" The bartender said. He then went to the other side of the booth to grab a menu. Shion looked up when he heard his footsteps. He was surprised at how nice this guy is.

He got a chance to look at him for a few seconds. The only thing that really stood out was his hair, an interesting slate color, pulled back into a high ponytail with bangs in the front. Shion also spotted his uniform. He's wearing black pants, and a medium sleeved white shirt with a black tie and a black vest. It was similar to his own uniform, which he was still wearing under his coat. He didn't have time to go home and change today. He couldn't look at the bartender for long. As soon as Shion saw the bartenders eyes dart towards him, he looked back at the black marble table. He felt extremely out of place.

The bartender handed him the menu. "Hey man, don't be nervous. Everyone here is real friendly. My names Nezumi. What's yours?" The bartender asked. Shion was scared to look up and reply. What the hell is he doing here?

"Uh... Shion." He eventually replied. "Shion... That's interesting. Well, I'll give you some time to look" replied Nezumi. He then walked away. Shion looked up again. He then realized no one was glancing at him. They were all in a group at the other side of the bar, drinking beer and whiskey and laughing, and Nezumi was chatting and laughing with them. He didn't really focus on the words that they were saying, just their actions.  They all pretended Shion was invisible. Thank god for that.

Shion then looked at the menu and still had no idea what to order. He had no clue what he was doing, so he didn't know if he should get beer or wine, shots or a glass, or what kind of beer or wine or whiskey to get... He decided on something simple that he couldn't screw up.

Nezumi walked over to Shion a few minutes later. Shion still couldn't  look at him. He placed his menu on the table. "So.. What will it be?" Nezumi asked.

"Uh... One glass of... Red wine... Please" Shion said, his heart pounding and his hands trembling, placed on his lap underneath the table.

"What kind of red wine?" Nezumi asked.

"Fuck. I don't know wine! Oh god this was such a bad idea!" Shion thought. There was another awkward silence.

"It doesn't matter" Shion finally replied. Nezumi then smiled. "You have no idea what the fuck you're doing don't ya?" He asked, laughing a little.

Shion shook nervously. He didn't know how to respond. "I'll give you the finest, most delicious red wine in the entire world!" Nezumi exclaimed, and he ran over to the wine glasses. Shion looked up again. He saw how cheerful Nezumi looked as he poured the red wine out of fancy bottle and into his wine glass. Shion felt all of the nerves flow through him. He still hasn't asked for an ID...

Nezumi then looked at Shions eyes. Shion didn't look down this time. He wanted to see his face, just once. He was smiling. He had this huge white smile and shimmering grey eyes that almost didn't fit the smile. He looks like he enjoys this job a lot.

As Nezumi walked over to Shion, Shion spotted out of the corner of his eye that pretty much everyone was staring at him. They were laughing. Shion looked down again as Nezumi placed the glass on the table. "Enjoy, my fine fellow." Nezumi replied. Shion looked at the glass. Damn he needed this so bad....

The sharp object with the shimmering... Dark.... Red... Liquid...

Shion grabbed the glass and took a sip. The taste was very strong. But it was just the thing he needed to escape for just a few minutes. "How is it?" Nezumi asked.

"It's good" Shion replied. They then looked at each other, almost staring. "It's called Yellow Tail" Nezumi replied. Shion didn't know how to respond, so he just looked at his glass. Nezumi then walked over to the the other customers. Shion didn't pay much attention to them... Just on his drink...

He took the last sip. Nezumi noticed and walked over seconds later. "Do you want more?" He asked. Shion had no idea how expensive wine was, so he didn't want to get another glass.

"No thanks. Il just have my che-"

"It's on me." Nezumi replied. "Don't worry. It's only $8."

Shion was very confused. "What?" He said, completely stunned.

"Don't be a dumbass. You know the police can track you down for under aged drinking if you buy this" Nezumi replied. Shion looked down to the ground, his face bright red. He clearly didn't think this through.

"It's alright man. I know something must of happened, and that you needed this. You're free to come back, anytime" Nezumi replied. Shion looked up again. Was it really that obvious to him? Why is this guy so nice?

"Thanks... But I'll bring cash next time." Shion replied. Shion then quickly stood up and left the bar. He was feeling incredibly nervous.

When Shion left the bar, Nezumi stared at the door for a while. He smiled. "I hope we cross paths soon, Shion" he thought.

He stopped his glare at the door when one of his regulars, Jimmy, asked for another glass of whiskey.

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