Chapter 6- Painful Stories

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~ Side note: if you don't want to read the room descriptions you don't have to :)~

Shion and Nezumi didn't leave the bar until 11pm. Nezumi had to clean up the entire place, which was surprisingly a harder task than you would think. What Shion found odd is that he didn't see Nezumi's manager anywhere. Shion's is always watching over him like a hawk. Maybe he's the manager? He decided to ask as they were walking to Shions car.

"So uh. Are you the manager?" Shion asked. "Oh god no. The manager just never shows up that's all. And that bastard gets payed almost twice as much as me" Nezumi replied.

"Are there any more employees?" Shion asked. They were both inside the car now. "Yea, but they only work weekends. I work here 6 days a week. Saturday's are hectic. How about you? How often do you work? How busy is your shop?" Nezumi replied. "Well, I work all 7 days, and Monday mornings  and Saturdays are ridiculous" Shion replied. Shion only works there 7 days a week because he gets paid $18 an hour. The owner of the shop is extremely rich and luckily very generous.

Shion started up the car. Nezumi laughed. "Damn you don't know how to have fun do ya?" He asked.

"I guess not." Shion replied, and laughed a little. "Which way?" He asked. "Turn left" Nezumi said. Shion drives out of the parking lot and turned left. "Go strait until you see Baker Street on your left" Nezumi continued. Shion nodded, and kept his eyes on the road.

"So Shion... How old are you exactly?" Nezumi asked. "Uh... 18. You?"Shion replied.

"Me? Oh I'm 21. And... The street is right... There" Nezumi pointed.
Shion slowed down and turned his flashing blinker on so that it indicated to other cars that he is turning left. He turned left. "An my house is right... There" Nezumi continued, pointing to 24 Baker Street, on the right side of the road. Shion turned into the short driveway, and parked the car. It was a small house, it looked to be only 1 floor. But it seemed to be larger than Shion's apartment.

They both stepped out of the car. Nezumi walked up to the front door, and Shion followed behind him. Nezumi took out his keys from his back pocket and unlocked the door. He opened the door. "Welcome. To the Nezumi Nezumeran household!" Nezumi said, turning on the light and stepping inside.

Shion entered, amazed at what he saw.The house was small, but it was beautifully decorated. He had a huge dark brown leather couch, and the TV was reasonably sized and modern. He had a glass coffee table that was completely clean. The floors were wooden and a tan color, a color that suited the house. There were abstract bright paintings on the wall, and on the stand where his TV was, was what seemed to be  pictures of his family. Or.. Family's... One of them looked way older than the other The parents looked different in the 2 pictures that were there, completely different. And in the older picture, there was a girl in it too, and not just Nezumi with parents.. Shion decided not to ask about it, there was still the kitchen to see. This living room was all on the right side when you first walked in.

On the left side, was one of the most nicest kitchens Shion had ever seen. There was a booth like table, and the surface was black marble. There were 1 legged stools with leather Crimson seats on the top that were circular. There were also black cabinets and black countertops, and he had a white stove. He had a built in refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher. The sink was next to the dishwasher. The floor was white tile. These 2 rooms astounded Shion. He never thought a house this small could look so beautiful.

"So. What do you think?" Nezumi asked.

"It's.... Beautiful" Shion replied, with wide, glowing eyes. Nezumi smiled. "Go take a seat on the couch, I'll make us some tea" Nezumi said.

"Shion slowly walked to the couch and sat down. He didn't want to ruin this perfect house. He sat silently while he heard the boiling of the hot water and the stirring of the tea. Shion loves tea. He never has it often enough.

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