Chapter 17- Christmas Day

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AN~This chapter is one of the happy ones bc I feel like I've been writing so much dark and sad stuff so 😂😂 I hope you guys reading will enjoy!


Shion awoke slowly. He saw that it was bright out, even though he wasn't looking out the window. The room was bright, even with no lamps on. He awoke to seeing Nezumi's face, still peacefully asleep. Shion smiled. He just couldn't believe how cute this guy is... and how nice he is... and how loving he is...

He then saw Nezumi's eyes slowly open. A part of Shion wanted to quickly close his own eyes, and pretend he was asleep. But another part of him wanted to watch him slowly awaken...

Nezumi was awake now, and saw Shion staring at him. He stared back at Shion for a little while. "Shit. Can't shake this one off" he thought. He then started to giggle, he didn't know how else to shake it off. But his giggle was louder than a normal one. He felt a rush of heat flow through him for a brief moment. "Damn I hope he doesn't think I'm a creep" He thought.

Shion was a little surprised at the giggle at first. He thought Nezumi would say something like "why the hell are you staring". But he laughed instead...

Shion started giggling too. Nezumi's giggle was very contagious. They both suddenly found themselves in a fit of laughter. Nezumi rolled onto his back, and he held onto his stomach while he laughed. Shion's laugh was also contagious.

Shion stayed on his side, but curled up in a ball more, clenching onto his stomach too. He hasn't laughed this hard in a while. It felt good to laugh like this again. Especially with Nezumi...

They laughed for a very long time. This was because when it started to decease, one of them would start laughing again, and then the other would catch on. It was a long and vicious cycle. But after a little while, they were both out of laughs.

It was silent for a few more moments. They both still hade wide grins on their faces, thinking about how stupid it was that they just laughed at each other for no reason at all...

"Hey. What time is it?" Nezumi asked. He realized it was bright out. Shion sat up and looked at the alarm clock next to him. "10:00" Shion replied.

"Whoops" Nezumi said, and giggled a little more. "We better eat. I bet my parents have been waiting for ages!" Nezumi continued, pulling the sheets off of him and jumping out of bed. Shion followed, and they both walked into the kitchen. A sweet aroma of bacon, eggs, and French toast filled the room.

"Good morning!" Nezumi said. Ricky turned around and faced them. Rosette was standing next to him, handling the bacon. "a-bap bap!" He said, and put the spatula down. Shion and Nezumi were confused. "You guys didn't see what was hanging from the doorframe, did ya?" He asked. Rosette giggle a little. "No..." Nezumi replied, a little worried. "Well I guess you gotta go back and see it" Ricky replied, and held his hands out towards them, air pushing them back to Nezumi's room. Shion and Nezumi both looked up. Shion was confused. He'd never seen anything like it, or what it was supposed to mean.

There were a few white berries surrounded by loads of leaves. There was a red bow on top.This was all on a string duct taped to the top of the doorframe.

"Oh my fucking God you did not!" Nezumi said, facing his dad, laughing. "Oh yes I did" he replied, and laughed back. Rosette came over, and she was laughing too. Shion was still confused.

"I... I don't get it" Shion said. "Seriously?! It's a mistletoe you airhead!" Nezumi replied, still laughing his ass off. Shion was surprised he still had that much laugher in him left...

"I.. I've never seen it" Shion replied, not sure of what to do. "You're supposed to kiss if you stand with someone under it... it's a classic!" Rosette replied, laughing.

Teach Me How To Live (Nezushi Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora