Chapter 23- ...

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Nezumi waited......and waited.....and waited. He stayed standing the entire time. 5 minutes. 10. 15.

Finally 20.... 21...22...23...30?

Nezumi called Shion, and he didn't answer. He tried again, and didn't answer. He tried again... And again.... And again... Before he knew it, 45 minutes passed.

He suddenly realized what he whispered before he left. "Thanks for teaching me. Goodbye"

"Shit!" Nezumi said loudly, and sprinted out of the door and into his car, speeding to Shion's house.


Nezumi sprinted into the apartment complex. "DID SHION CHECK IN?!" He shouted at the receptionist. The receptionist was a little startled, checking the check in list.

"Yes he-" he was cut off by Nezumi. "Thank you very much!" He then sprinted up the stars and into the hall. He got infront of Shion's door, and saw it was unlocked. He slowly opened it.

"Shion?" He called out, as he slowly stepped inside. He saw Shion's phone on the counter. "That's why he wasn't answering" he thought.

Nezumi slowly walked down the hall to Shion's room. He slowly opened the door again, hoping to see Shion there. "Shion?" He called out again. Shion wasn't there either.

"Damnit" Nezumi muttered under his breath, and walked back to the kitchen. He almost opened the door to leave, when out of the corner of his eye, he saw a closed door.

He turned over and looked at it. Nezumi ran up to it and tried to open it, but this one was locked. "SHION!! SHION PLEASE!" He shouted, banging the door.

Shion was leaned up against the wall, bleeding everywhere. He got a vein, maybe 2. There was red everywhere...

Shion tried to be  as silent and silence is itself. "Just let me die... You won't die if I die" he thought.

"SHION ANSWER ME!!" Nezumi shouted, still banging into the door. He then decided to stop, and try to hear something. He leaned his ear against the door. And he suddenly heard it, slight breathing and whimpers of pain.

Nezumi stood back, and with one kick he broke down the entire door in 1 piece. He caught the door quickly, and set it slowly on the ground. He then looked up.

He saw Shion. His arms filled with red and dangling at his sides. His head was hanging on his shoulder, his eyes desperate to close.

This image will forever haunt Nezumi's brain.

Nezumi ran closer to Shion and got on his knees. He took of his coat. "I've got to stop the bleeding" he said.

"Please... Let me go..." Shion whispered. It was almost inaudible. "No. I'm never giving up" Nezumi said, and wrapped his coat around Shion's left arm. He didn't care how bloody his coat got.

"Nezumi... stop" Shion whispered again. A tear slipped as he whimpered a little. Nezumi started to break down too.

"Don't give up on me. Please. I'm not done teaching you yet. There still so much to learn... Shion there's still so much." Nezumi replied. More tears flowed from both of their faces, and both of their hearts sank deep in sadnesses.

Nezumi pulled out his phone from his back pocket, and called 911. "9 1 1 what's your emergency?" A woman spoke on the other side of the phone.

"Nezumi..." Shion whispered. Nezumi ignored his pleads. "My boyfriend.. He... He cut himself real bad... There's blood everywhere... I... Have.. p-pres-sure" Nezumi could barely finish his sentences. He couldn't believe this was happening.

Shion was stunned. Nezumi actually called, actually considered him as  his boyfriend. He let Nezumi get that close to him. He destroyed Nezumi's now perfect life.

Shion was crying with the little strength he had. His heart hurt. Everything hurt. Everything was too much for him.

"The medics are on their way. Take some deep breaths. Keep the pressure there. He's going to be okay" the woman said, trying to keep Nezumi calm.

Nezumi was slightly sobbing. He couldn't believe Shion would actually do this to himself.

He then realized Shion's other arm was bleeding too. He quickly stood up and ran to get a small towel that was on the sink, then sat back down infront of Shion, and wrapped the small towel around Shion's other arm. He pressed down on both arms.

Nezumi's tears clouded his vision. He tried to stop, think that crying would make Shion feel worse. But he couldn't. He couldn't hold it. This was all too painful.

He then saw Shion's eyes slip closed. "SHION!" He shouted. Shion quickly opened them again. "That's right. Stay awake. Th-there almost here" Nezumi said.

They both heard the sirens, then the siren noise quickly decease. "See. Th-there here. Shion it's gonna be okay" Nezumi said, smiling a little.

Shion broke down even more. Nothing was going to be okay. Nezumi is going to die now. Everyone is going to die. There's no way he can stop it. Or maybe...

"Shion. Shion say something. Anything. Please!" Nezumi said, noticing his eyes were closing again.

"Should I tell him? Can i? Maybe I'll whisper so he won't hear...." Shion thought.

"" Shion ever so faintly whispered. He could barely hear it himself, but it felt so good to say it. He hoped Nezumi didn't hear.

But Nezumi made out each word. "Desk drawer? Is there a note or something in there?" He thought. He then decided he had to stop thinking about that, and focus on keeping Shion alive.

"That's good. You're doing good Shion." They then heard footsteps, and very quickly, 2 paramedics were in the room, pushing Nezumi out of the way.

"Hi there. My name's Jenny, and his is Hunter. Can you tell us you name?" Jenny asked. Hunter was already taking off the coat and towel and replacing it with proper bandages.

"Sh....Shi...Shion." He faintly whispered, his eyes slipping closed. "Maybe I will succeed after all" he thought.

"Shion... Like the flower right? Hey.. Stay with us. Shion!" Jenny said, as she saw Shion's eyes close very slowly. Hunter finished with the bandages. "We need to get him to the hospital. Now." She said.

Nezumi was standing back, giving the medics space. He was still crying, but much more softly.

"1..2..3!" Hunter said, and they both lifted him up. They carried him to the stretcher that was infront of Nezumi. He watched in horror, as he saw that his eyes were closed.

"Shion... Open your eyes!" He shouted. The 2 doctors then pushed Shion out of the room, towards the elevator. Nezumi quickly followed. They then rode down the elevator, out the door, and into the Ambulance. Nezumi took a seat on the opposite side of the 2 medics. One of them closed the door, and they were instantly on their way.

One of them put a breathing mask over Shion's mouth. "This is just for safety. He passed out from the loss of blood" Hunter told him. Nezumi then reached out his hand and touched Shion's. It was cold. Very cold. Very lifeless. The white bandages were already completely spilled with red.

"Shion.... Hang on.... Please..." Nezumi whispered. He didn't care that he was crying. His boyfriend was dying right infront of him. The one person he truly and deeply cared about was dying right infront of him.

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