Chapter 14- Fainting Away the Pain

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Shion awoke in complete darkness. He decided to get off the floor, go into his room, and check the time. 3:48 am.

Shion decided to stay up. He had to be up for work at 4 anyways. He got changed into his usual uniform. "There is no mercy. Better die soon". Those words stung Shion's brain. The hands came back. His mother came back. His father came back. Everything was stinging.

Shion stared at himself in the mirror. He saw a worthless piece of shit. He saw every wrong in him, and nothing right. He saw his empty sagging eyes. He didn't understand what life was anymore.

But yet, he doesn't want to die. He's not ready for the endless dark sleep that awaits everyone eventually. He can't comprehend him being dead.

He still can't comprehend his mothers death either.

It was 4:30 now. Shion left his house, going out into the confusing world once more.


Shion was cleaning up the tables for the last time today. It's 10, and his shift is over. Maria walked over to him.

"Are you sure you're okay? You need a hug?" She asked.

"I'm fine" Shion replied. "I don't think so. I mean at least  those cold hands need a little warmth" she replied. Shion really didn't like her flirting. Bu he liked her personality. She's nice to everyone. She goes to a night college too, and she wants to be an author someday. Her family is really proud of her. And she is a real nice friend.

"Alright" Shion said, smiling a little. Maria's grin widened, and she hugged Shion very tightly. Shion felt squished, but he stayed there. He decided to hug her back, but not as tightly. He just felt like it.

Maria finally let go. "Well, I'll see you soon. I'm leaving tomorrow to go visit my family in Ohio" she said. "Okay. I'll see you soon" Shion replied. He walked over to the door, and looked back at her. She was waving. Shion smiled. He waved back, and left the coffee shop.


Shion closed his apartment door and leaned his back against it. He looked up at the ceiling, and sighed very loudly. He stayed like that for a while, thinking about what else he should do today.

Shion realized he needed to buy a gift for Nezumi for Christmas. He then looked at the floor, trying to think of  ideas. "Candy?... A gift card maybe?" He thought.

That's when he noticed a small piece of paper folded in half, lying on the ground. He picked it up and unfolded it. It read:

"Maria Daves".

Shions eyes widened in horror. Maria Daves, his friend from the coffee shop.

This must be the first name on the list.

Shion sat in the ground, staring at the note. His heart is racing, and he's struggling to catch his breath. He didn't know what to think of this. He didn't know if this was real or a game. He couldn't even think of how this note got here instead of at the lobby. He had no idea what to do.
That's when his phone buzzed and rang in his back pocket. Shion pulled it out of his pocket and looked at who was calling. It was Nezumi.

Shion answered it. "Hello?" Shion said through the phone. "Hey. How are you doing?" Nezumi asked.

Shion looked at the note. He thought about telling Nezumi all of this. But yet again, the guy who wrote the letter might find out about it...

"I'm okay. You?" Shion replied. "I'm doing good. I called just to let you know about not worrying to get a gift" Nezumi replied.

"Oh... Well... If I got you one anyway, what would you like?" Shion asked. He was going to get him one anyway.

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