Chapter 15- Christmas Eve, Pt1

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Shion is driving to Nezumi's house for Christmas Eve. It is 8:26pm. His gift for Nezumi was on the seat next to him, along with his bag, with clothes, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a phone charger. He was wearing decent clothes, a pale blue button up shirt and dark blue jeans with converse sneakers that he wears occasionally.

"I wonder what were gonna do there... What do people do on Christmas Eve?" Shion thought. He was really curious. He knows that there's the gift portion of it, but he didn't know much else. He's heard stories of people opening 1 special gift on Christmas Eve or bake special cookies for Santa. But he wondered if there was anything else...

Chimney... Fire... Blood... Hands...

Shion snapped out of it, and pulled into the driveway. He saw Nezumi's car there too. "That's weird. It was in the garage last time... It doesn't really matter does it?" He thought, a little curios. He grabbed the gift, still in the plastic bag, and his black bag, and stepped out of the car. He walked up to Nezumi's front door, and pressed on the doorbell button.

Nezumi opened it almost instantly. "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!" He shouted, in an apron and holding a spatula. He's wearing pj's underneath it. Shion giggle a little. "Merry Christmas Eve!" He said.

Shion stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He instantly heard the song "Jingle Bells" play softly in the background. It's was soothing to him.

"Merry Christmas Eve!" He heard 2 voices say. He then noticed an older man and woman sitting on the couch. They then stood up, and walked over to him. Shion worried a little, not knowing who they were.

"You must be Shion! Hello! I'm Rosette Nezumeran, and my husband Ricky. We're Nezumi's adoptive parents" she said, shaking Shion's free hand. "Hello" he replied, a little shy.

Shion then shook Ricky's hand. "Shit. I didn't get a gift for them" Shion thought. Shion then let go of his hand. "I'm sorry but... I only got Nezumi a gift... I didn't know you guys would be here" Shion said.

"You weren't supposed to get me a gift... Did you even wrap it?" Nezumi asked, stirring a batter of chocolate chip cookie dough in the kitchen. Shions face turned pink, and he looked at the ground. "Sorry I... I'm not that great at this" he said softly.

Nezumi and his parents laughed. "It's alright. Hey Nezumi. Where should I put his bag?" His father asked, turning towards Nezumi. "Put it in my room" Nezumi replied, and so Ricky took Shion's black bag and took it to Nezumi's room. Rosette then took the plastic bag and placed it under the tree, which was next to the TV in the corner of the living room. Shion was amazed by this tree. With all of the old ornaments and the yellow lights wrapped around it. It was small, but it was beautiful.

He then looked over at Nezumi, and noticed the empty stockings that were duct taped to the stool chairs. There were 4 of them. "4?... So ones for me?" He thought, feeling like a child. He smiled a little. He felt a jolt of excitement rush through him. He liked this idea of Christmas.

"What are you staring at?" Nezumi asked, scooping the cookie dough with a scooper onto a baking sheet. "Uh... I... Noticed the stockings.. At least I think that's what there called" Shion replied. Nezumi laughed. "You're not even sure what stockings are? You poor thing" Nezumi replied. Shions face turned pink again.

"So, Nezumi told me that you haven't celebrated Christmas since you were 3. Why is that?" Rosette asked, standing, leaning against the back of the couch. Shion looked over at her. "Well.. My parents didn't wanna celebrate it. They thought there was no point to it" Shion replied.

"No point to Christmas? That's insane!" Ricky replied, walking into the kitchen. "Christmas is the most wonderful time of year! People laugh, spend time with family, and eat a bunch of food!" Ricky replied, shaking his hand through Nezumi's hair. Nezumi pushed him back gently, laughing. Shion smiled more. He really liked this idea of Christmas.

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