
"What are you doing here?" Cristina asked me when I walked into the psychic's room to find her checking his vitals.

"Derek had Meredith and I swap cases." I informed her. "Mr. Duff, I'm Dr. Watley, I'll be taking over for Dr. Grey on your case."

"Botox would do wonders for all those frown lines." The patient, Mr. Duff, commented to Cristina as she checked his eyes. 

"Okay," Cristina faked a smile. "Shut up."

"Are you allowed to talk to me like that?" Mr. Duff asked her, scratching his head as he looked to me. "Is she allowed to talk to me like that?"

"Not really." I admitted as Cristina hissed at him.

"God, you're hot." He chuckled. "In a Mrs. Livingston kind of way."

"See here?" Cristina held out papers of his brain waves for him to see. "These are spikes in your temporal lobe. It means you have epilepsy. Not visions. Seizures."

"You think I'm epileptic?" He scoffed. "That is so not right."

"I'm gonna order an MRI." Cristina told me. "That way we can take a closer look at his brain. Can you take him down?"

"Yeah, there's no way-" He began to argue, but cut himself off as his eyes went wide, his whole body going still. 

"Mr. Duff?" I frowned as Cristina and I hurried to his side, shining a light in his eyes to test his reflexes. "Mr. Duff, can you see us? Can you hear me?"

"Stay with us." Cristina told him.

"I wouldn't have picked you for the mommy track, nurse Betty." He said randomly, bringing yet another frown to my face as I saw Cristina tense beside me. "See? I told you I know things."

"Cristina," I followed her out of the room. "How does he know I'm a mother?"

"I-I don't know." She stuttered. "Maybe he heard a nurse talking about it or something. Look, I can't deal with him, with crazy. I'm gonna switch with Izzie, okay?"

"Okay." I nodded. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." She assured me before heading down the hall. 


"Your nostrils are flaring." Mr. Duff pointed out as Izzie and I prepped him for his MRI. "Both of you."

"They are not." Izzie disagreed.

"You're into me. I can tell." He smirked at us. "Dr. Small-and-angry was a hot appetizer, but you two, Docs, are a smorgasbord of lust."

"Mr. Duff, you're pressing your luck." Izzie warned him. 

"Would you press it for me?" He asked as I fixed his blanket while Izzie readjusted his head. 

"I hope you're not claustrophobic." I commented, trying to steer the subject away from sex.

"You're staring at me. Stop it." Izzie went to move away from him but he stopped her, grabbing her wrist.

"I'm looking at you, but it's the strangest thing." He continued to stare at her. "I'm hungry for a chocolate cupcake."

"What did you say?" Izzie glanced at me.

"A chocolate cupcake." He repeated. "Maybe one of those fudgey things with the white squiggle on the frosting. Could you oblige?"

"What, do I still have some chocolate on my face or in my hair or something?" Izzie asked, trying not to let him get to her. 

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