"We're not that old of friends, at least not old. Nice to meet you Will. I just wish Max here would have come on better terms but it's nice to see him any ways. Now the trouble, Max."

"Do you want the short or long version of it?" I asked.

"Short please. I don't think the kids will be able to stay out there very long, at least not with one of their favorite people to play with is here. I also think they have taken a fancy to Will so it will be twice as hard for them to wait."

"Got it. Well I decided to help a poor sap after his fight, which he got his ass kicked, right Will, and decided to help. I fought the guys beat the three, of course, and then helped Will. It turns out those guys were either the top dogs of a powerful group, which I doubt, or they are apart of a powerful group and since I beat them they want revenge. Oh did I mention everyone is looking for me and Will so they can turn us in to get food."

"That's not good. Why are you here then?" Pete asked.

"Oh after being held up in my house for about a month I needed to get food for us. We were followed and I wasn't thinking so I headed towards the Gate. We ditched them near it and now we need a place to stay. Everyone is probably looking for us so we can't leave until tomorrow night when it blows over a bit." I finally ended.

"I see... Well of course you can stay. The kids will love your company. Both of your company. I'm afraid we are a bit low on food but we can feed you two." He smiled to ease the tension.

I smiled happy that I could do something useful. "No need, Pete, Will and I have brought enough food for everyone. We'll have something short of a fest. How about it?" I offered.

"I couldn't take you food. You'll need it for the up coming weeks. We'll be fine."

"No I insist. You're housing basically fugitives. I'm going to give you some food if you like it or not. These kids need a decent meal. I'm not taking no for an answer."

There was a sigh. "There was never arguing with you was there? I forgot that." Pete submitted. "Guess you're going to have to tell the kids we're having a fest tonight. Amelia, go tell the rest of the kids. And tell them to wash up." A little girl ran out of the doorway to fetch the rest of the kids.

I helped Pete get everything ready while Will distracted the kids by playing with them. I had meat that I bought in the market that we cooked. It would gone bad if I didn't find somewhere to dry or store it. Pete only had so much room in storage so we had to cook it. I also took out some fruit, vegetables, and bread for everyone to get some. Some of the kids had never tasted anything but water so I had a surprise ready for them, tea.

When everything was ready Pete and I called everyone in. It was a good thing too because the kids had gotten Will to the ground for a dog pile even though it almost took every kid to do it. Will gave me a thankful look when he came in with the children. I smiled back at him.

At the table each kid had a glass and a plate with silverware. The end of the table was Pete, Will, and me. Then it went down youngest to oldest. Every kid took their fair share of everything even to drink. When they saw the tea in their glasses and they were confused.

"Is it poisonous?" one of the youngest boys, Angelo, asked. "It doesn't look drinkable."

"No it isn't poisonous. It is called tea try it. You might like it." I answered to them. Each kid took a sip of it. They were ecstatic. None of them ever tasted tea before. It had flavor. "How do you like it?" each kid answered that they liked it. "How about you Pete?"

"It's a nice treat for them, thank you."

"It's no problem. I couldn't let these kids not have any food. Especially when I brought so much," I answered.

"Sorry we didn't have any more plates. I usually have time to get extra," apologized Pete.

"It's fine. Will and I are fine with using these." We were eating on place mates that they found, but we were eating.

We all got done eating a little before dusk. The kids ran outside to play in the little sun they had left. I followed them knowing tomorrow would be hard for me to go outside with out anyone seeing me. I watched the kids play and the sun set but I didn't get to enjoy it much before I was mobbed by the littlest kids. Like I promised I played with them until we went inside. They had to go to bed for the next morning so I got a break.

There were more rooms in Pete's house then in mine so the girls split from the boys and we went into a different room. The room had few chairs and was lit by candles. The walls were bare and the floor had blankets on it. I assumed that this was where Will and I were staying.

Pete confirmed my assumption, "This is where you two will be staying. Sorry about the blankets it was what I could scavenge last minute."

"We'll be fine. You have to start being less concerned about our likeness of your house. We are lucky about what we get so stop stressing. Thank you again." I nudged Will for a response.

"Thanks," he mumbled. I gave him a side glare.

"I'll leave you two so you can get some rest. Tomorrow will be a hard day." Pete informed us. "Some one has to keep the kids occupied." He smiled.

"Good night, Pete. Thanks again." I hit Will again with my elbow. No response.

"Night." Pete left the room. When he was far enough away I punched Will in the arm.

"Ouch. What was that for?" he rubbed the spot I hit him.

"Next time be more thankful. He's letting us stay in his house and putting those kids and his life in harms way. You could be more grateful." I went to the blankets and moved mine away from his, "You might as well go to sleep now. Big day tomorrow." I said annoyed. I flipped away from Will. He should have been more grateful towards Pete.

Sleep almost came when Will asked, "Why does Pete take care of all these kids?" Of course he would ruin another thing of mine, sleep. At least he has been thinking about what I said. 

"Pete isn't like a regular guy, let alone street kid. He feels like he has to be the one to help these kids because no one else will. He teaches them how to live on their own in the streets. He gives these kids skills to help give them a better chance at life. With Pete's help these kids have a higher chance at staying alive and not dying at a young age. He gives these kids a chance at life."

"How does he find these kids? Why these kids?" Will wondered.

"Well most of these kids are lucky that Pete found them. Some were on the verge of dying because of hunger before Pete came. Pete gives these kids food and teaches them how to get food for them selves when ever it is needed. Others he helped get them out of trouble, whether it was with a baker or the law. These kids he teaches them how to not get caught or get out of a sticky situation. Yet others he just finds wandering alone and helps them out. He takes them in and gives them a home, food, and more importantly a friend, someone to trust. He helps as many as he can provide for." I finished.

It was silent for a while. "Is that what happened to you? Did Pete take you in when you were lost?"

I didn't answer for a few minutes. "Something like that." I said softly before pulling the blanket over my head and closing my eyes.

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