Chapter 3

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I looked over at the kid before I moved. That's when I saw the ropes and remembered where the knives slid. One slid behind some crates, and the other was somewhere behind me when I was fighting tall dark and silent. 

I looked over to tall dark and silent. He wasn't there anymore, like I predicted, but neither was his knife. Well at least he knew not to mess with me anymore and his knife would have caused more harm them good any ways. With it someone would have been gutsy enough to face me and that wouldn't have been good. Still we needed to go.

As I crossed the space between where I stood and the crates, I passed by the guy. I yelled over to him and said, "Just wait a few more minutes I'll be right there and I will be able to cut you lose." 

I reached the crates and started my search. Getting on all fours I started by running my hand under them. It took some time but I found the knife it got stuck between two huge crates closer to the wall. I walked back to him.

I got close to him and this time he seemed completely unconscious. I crouched beside him again. Up close to him I looked at him carefully. I saw that he was close to my sixteen years of age maybe older but not by much. His brown hair was a mess but that wasn't unusual for a street kid, grooming wasn't our first priority. His skin around his right eye was turning a harsh color. It wasn't quite a black eye but it was close enough. There was even some blood in the corner of his mouth. Yet something about him seemed different. I didn't want to admit it not even to my self but that difference was what was appealing to me. That was probably the only reason I helped him, curiosity and nothing more.

I turned away from him because I thought I heard something. The knife was ready in my hand. When I looked around I saw that a rat had run across the puddle. My arm relax but I stayed ready as I watch it head behind the crates. I turned back to him ears straining for sound and found myself looking at to big set of blue eyes. We stared at each other until he forced himself to look away. They were a wide animalistic pair of eyes scared and frightened.

"We need to go. If those guys decide to come back, which I doubt, they might bring a few extra friends. I maybe good but I'm not that good. Two people easy, three a bit more difficult, four that's when I don't like to press my luck. We need to go soon." I tried to be soft but I could even hear the anxiety in my voice.

Blue eyes gave me a faint nod and a tried to get up. All he was able to manage was to roll on his back and sit up half way. He winced holding his black and blue side and laid back down. I got lower to the ground. 

"If we are going to be able to get out of here then that means we need to work together. That basically means you have to listen to me and try to do exactly what I say. Okay?" Blue eyes just nodded. I grabbed his arm and held his shoulders. "On the count of three lift. One, two, three...lift" Together with some effort I got Blue eyes on his feet.

It took longer then expected because I didn't take in account his height. He was several inches taller than me. For me to hold him by the shoulders he would have needed to be shorter. Instead he leaned into me while I grabbed his arm that was around my shoulders and wrapped my other arm around his waist for support. We got only a few feet before he needed a break.

Each time we stopped I looked around for any sign of someone approaching. Every time my senses didn't pick up anything, not even a mouse. We got to a sturdy wall and I leaned Blue eyes against. He had a hard time with out any one holding him up for support. His body swayed lightly but he managed to keep his balance. 

I needed to go quickly to my food I had hid. I had forgotten about it. If we were going to eat I needed to get it. I was starving and tired after my fight. There wasn't any more adrenalin running through me so I finally felt the exhaustion and fight. Blue eyes could probably use the food too.

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