I looked away, busted.

"Babe come, you can't be serious."

"I didn't mean that."

"So what did you mean?"

"I just don't like her Aston!"

Shaking his head he sighed.

"She's hurt every lad she's been with one way or another, I don't want you getting involved."

"But that's not going to happen is it? you know I don't want a relationship."

"I know," I mumbled

"That's what we both said.."

"Yes I know," I repeated.

"This is just because you don't like Kelly is it?"


"Sorry, I thought things were getting complicated between us."

I think I've just about got away with it, apart from when my big mouth said about him choosing her over me. I might have just lied my way through that conversation when it came to Kelly, because really I've only seen a new side to her tonight, and yes it is jealousy. She's always been flirty, full on and like a bird of prey at times, but it's never bothered me until she tried it on with Aston. One thing I don't understand though is why Kelly text me saying they were together when they weren't, and that look I got in the club when she was on his phone, something isn't right.

Gripping the duvet up to my chest I watched Aston climb out of bed and wander over across the room, his eyes scanning the dressing table for something.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for my phone."

"It's here, you've got a text."

"Oh," taking it from me he caught my eyes looking.


'Nothing, I didn't say anything."

"It's Dave."

"I didn't ask."

Why have I got a feeling things are going to be awkward between us from now on?

"Do you want a pizza? There's a place up the road that does deliveries."

"No, it's too late. Besides, you can't ask them to deliver it here. The hotel wont like it."

"I done it earlier when you was at your Mum's," he shrugged. "Do you want one or not?"

I nodded just as I felt my stomach rumble. I never eat at this time, In fact I'm never usually up at this time, but gone two o'clock and ten hours since I last ate I can't refuse a cheese crust meat feast. I'm starving.

Twenty minutes later Aston returns after a dash to reception with a pizza box, sides and two drinks.

"Break a habit of a lifetime, eat it in bed," he said sitting me back down.

Smirking I caved in. "Just this once."

"I'll eat it nicely and watch the crumbs," he teased. "Diet is this one, here you go."

"Thank you," I said popping my straw in the lid of my coke.

I suppose the tense atmosphere has broken, but the only noise to come from either of us is the crunching. I've never had an argument with Aston, It's never been wanted or needed, I'm beginning to think this situation of ours is getting complicated after all. I was full of envy last night.

"Go on, you can have the last one," he said holding up potato wedge in front of me.

Smiling I opened my mouth taking it from his fingers.

"So what are we doing tomorrow then?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"There's plenty about isn't there? We can do something before we go."

"Oh okay."

"I've been in this hotel all day, I don't plan on leaving first thing."

"Sorry, it's been a waste of a trip for you really," I mumbled.

"No It's my fault, you were right, I needed those extra hours in bed this morning."

"I told Mum you were working."

"How was it? I didn't get much from you earlier."

"It was great, I loved being back home. I'm determined to come back in a few weeks, I feel like I've missed so much."

"Yeah, there's nothing stopping you now," he smiled.

"No, I guess not."

Sipping the last of my drink I took the rubbish out of the way, shaking my pyjamas free from crumbs.

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna get a few more hours sleep," Aston stretched out.

I nodded catching his yawn.

"I might be able to sleep now the airs clear."

Smiling faintly I joined him in bed, each bedside lamp beside now switched off as we tucked ourselves under the duvet. Facing the wall again I felt his hand rest of my hip uncomfortably, so I took hold of it and pulled him closer.

Somebody has to break the ice properly and not just crack it.

"Night babe," he whispered.



Don't think it's the end of the drama, vote for the next part :)

Whilst the boyfriends awayKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat