chapter two

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"Emily look. look!" Xavier pointed jumping up and down from excitement. I sometimes wondered if he ever runs out of energy.

"What is it Hun?" I said coming into his line of view from behind him. I was suddenly curious about the cause of all his excitement.

"Those are the monkeys. aren't they awesome?" he thrilled, stating the question rather than actually asking it.

"They're so adorable. want to name them?" I asked a little amused. the smile on his face was infectious.

"Ya sure." he said with the same amount of excitement. 

"Okay this one is Em." he said pointing at very tall grey back facing our direction. I smiled and nodded when he looked up at me smiling.

"Wait what?" I hesitated just realizing what he said.

"You want to name a monkey after me?" I asked sounding a little surprised and actually offended, not to mention outraged. The minute those words left my mouth Xavier burst into a fit of laughter probably seeing the outrage look on my face.

I didn't notice we were surrounded by a bunch of tourist until I heard one of the ask, "Is he okay?" one of teh asked pointing to Xavier, as he was currently rolling around on the ground laughing at my expense.

"His fine just being silly." I assured them. The little punk.

More and more visitors gathered round our little area to watch Xavier, as he was still  on the ground laughing his head off. 

"Sweet heart? Maybe we should calm down a bit," i suggested hoping he would listen. he didn't. the little punk continued giggling  as i bent down to pick him off the ground.

After what felt like hours later- and the gathered crowd joining in on his little laughing fest at my expense- once he explained- yes he explained to them the reason he was laughing so hard; we walked away from the gorilla cage towards the graffs. Fortunately he didn't attempt to name any more animals after me, to which I was very grateful for.

The rest of the trip to the zoo went by smoothly.We went to many other animal cages and saw many types of animals. and I had to admit, by the end of it, I actually had a little bit of fun. Right after the zoo I decided to take Xavier out for a little more fun to his favorite restaurant, "Aunt sally's pizza." 

Just like always Xavier ordered his usual order of Hawaiian pizza. I just went with the usual cheese pizza. soon after he was done eating, and we made it back to the car to head home, he was completely out of energy to the point where he ended up falling asleep in the car.


            Later that night after I tucked Xavier in, I decided to finish our packing so we can get ready to move again. While packing Xavier's things I couldn't help but wonder how he really felt about this. Of course I knew it was hard for him to adapt to new places and people, but I couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't telling me how he really feels about all the movings we had to do.

After about an hour of packing Xavier's clothes, toys, and school thing in a couple of different boxes, I decided to go to bed and get some well deserved sleep before the long car ride tomorrow. The minute my head hit the pillow, the most relaxing sleep came over me and took me into the world of dreams.

          **I was running so fast in the woods near a river . However, I felt like I was being chased by something but couldn't figure out what it  was, and the reason it was chasing me.

After a few more minutes of running, I decided to stop running and look  back at what was chasing me. unfortunately the minute I turned around, I come face to face with a big black dog.

 I couldn't help the fear that rose  within me. However along with that feeling, came the most unexpected feeling of wanting to look into the giant beast's eyes again. The black dog slowly moved away as if he could smell my fear. 

Too late I realized  what I was looking at wasn't a dog at all. It was a wolf. It was much larger than a dog; big and brown and it was so much bigger and taller than me. The wolf stood in a protective stand as if he is expecting something or someone to jump out of the bushes our way. 

Sure enough about five second later a couple more wolves jumped out of the bushes looking dangerous and hungry. The black wolf growled fiercely and walked towards me crouching over me in a protective manner, blocking my view of the other wolves. 

Suddenly all of the wolves  stood frozen staring at each other like they were having some secret mind conversation. 

I was completely shocked when not two seconds later, all of the wolves scattered running in the direction  they came from, trying to get as far as possible from there.

  I couldn't blame them. The  giant black wolf looked like he was about to separate their heads from their bodies. A minute after the wolves left, the black wolf turned facing me and slowly started walking toward me.** 

That's when I woke up, sweats dripping from my head and body.

I couldn't register what  really happened or what that dream meant. I was  drenched in sweat. I didn't understand why my breathing was so accelerated, it was just a dream. at least I hoped it was just a dream.

 After about five minutes of trying to regulate my heart rate and breathing, I decided to go back to sleep. not long after laying my head on the pillow I fell right into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and energized. Xavier wanted so sleep in until we decided to leave this afternoon, so I let him. It made sense for him to sleep,  as there was nothing for him to do if he was awake. 

once the kitchen was empty of boxes, I called my agent Marci and told her to come by before I left, as  she said she wanted to talk to me. I really didn't want to talk to Marci about anything. After making the phone call and making some breakfast for my younger brother, I decided to finish packing some more of Xavier's and I's thing for the trip.

About an hour after I was done packing and woke Xavier up for breakfast, I decided to just hang out in the kitchen, and wait out Marci's arrival. as I  waited i decided to clean the now empty kitchen, while Xavier ate his breakfast. once he was done eating, Xavier offered to help. So to keep him occupied, I decided to give him a chore of helping me pack, as  there were still some thing that weren't packed.  A while into the kitchen packing the doorbell rang, announcing Marci's arrival. Perfect timing.

"Are you okay?" I asked xavier, as the ring of the door scared him a little.

"Ya, I'm fine." Xavier said rushing to open the door for Marci.

"Hey sweetheart,  Where is your sister?" Marci asked, bending down to give Xavier a peck on the cheeks.

"Oh, she is in the Kitchen cleaning up our breakfast." he jumped all excited. He had a limitless energy, that it still surprises me whenever he gets tired. "Did you know we are moving to day? Em and I are leaving this place. So are you going to miss us?" he questioned taking her hand and leading her into the kitchen, where I was standing and watching the display between them. "are you going to visit us?" he added  papering Marci with both question and information.

"Of course I will miss you, you adorable little Vier." Marci said using her nickname for him.

"Hey Hun!" Marci greeted entering the kitchen. i can tell the smile she was displaying for my brother was forced, because a moments later, the smile along with the happy physique, she was displaying with Xavier disappeared. 

 "Em, we have a problem," she began. "A legal ones anyways," she continued before adding, 

"You may have to leave Xavier for someone to adopt." she finished, shattering me world, with just the eleven last words she spoke.

***************************************************************************************************** let me know if Emily should leave her adorable little brother and move.



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