o u t c a s t

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I am o u t c a s t.

And I have acquired many titles over the years of human existence.




But really, I'm just d i f f e r e n t.

Whether in my beliefs, my words, or my actions, I am d i f f e r e n t.

And that scares the hell out of you.

Actually, I take that back.

It scares only some of you. In fact, I would say most.

Because you are constantly being pelted with advertisements, articles, and art, telling you that d i f f e r e n t is bad. That you should be the same. That you should mold your body and mind, regardless of they're u n i q u e n e s s, into a mold. A p e r f e c t, desirable box.

Of course there are the select few of you that disregard this. All on d i f f e r e n t levels, but nonconformity is nonconformity, no matter what form it comes in. You do what you want. You don't care that you are branded with me. That you become an o u t c a s t.

Well, this is true for a portion of you, but in all honesty, some of you care a bit too much.

Some act like you don't care out of fear. Perhaps it will just make you r e p u t a t i o n worse if you react.

You're really are i n s e c u r e; you really do care about what they say.

It haunts you.

But perhaps you act like their words mean nothing to you out of a need for attention.

After all, to some, being an o u t c a s t is better than being a n o b o d y.

At least your existence is being acknowledged.

But of course, not all think like that.

Some just wonder how they even became me in the first place.

Well let me tell you.

Someone powerful, someone influential, someone frightening, decided they didn't like what you were doing. The reason can differ, but everything almost always leads back to f e a r.

Maybe you were just d i f f e r e n t.

And maybe that scared the hell out of them.

And so due to the a n x i e t y inside of them, they awoke f e a r in others.

And maybe others knew that if they didn't act on their f e a r, if they didn't isolate you, then they would join you.

They would end up exactly how you are.

An o u t c a s t.

And that scared the hell out of them.


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