f l a w

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I am f l a w.

And I am, although underrated at times, one of the most potent things that can plague you.

But whether or not I plague you relies completely on two things: my close friends, i n s e c u r i t y and s e l f l o v e.

You see, I am (generally and unfortunately) viewed as quite a negative thing. This is something I've never understood about people.

All day long people criticize me, talking about how much they hate themselves, and thereby hate me.

I've heard everything.

Everything from weird hairlines, to huge pores, to sucky nail beds.

Everything from the wrong weight, to bad personality, to oddly sweaty hands.

That's all because of your lack of c o n f i d e n c e, your s e l f h a t e, your i n s e c u r i t y.

Don't feel bad about feeling that way. It isn't good, but everyone seems to do it; its a normal reaction.

And it confuses me to no end.

Why don't you just l o v e yourself, f l a w s and all?

You see, while most view themselves in quite a different way than they truly are and look down upon themselves, there are a select few who embrace themselves.

They have come to terms with, and the best case scenario love, the way they look and who they are.

And yeah, nobody's p e r f e c t, the world wouldn't be the way it is if people were. But why does the way you look need to be a f l a w?

You see, f l a w s and almost everything else related to me are completely relative.

If you believe it is a f l a w, then it is.

If you embrace it, I no longer exist and become what I really am- just a characteristic.

Unfortunately, in my experience I have found that more people tend to h a t e me rather then embrace me.

If people only had more s e l f l o v e than s e l f h a t e, I truly believe that the world would be a much happier place.

And think about it, if people accepted themselves, they would accept others even more and much more easily.

And that would make the world so much more b e a u t i f u l.

Of course, b e a u t y is just as relative as f l a w s are. The world is the one telling you how to be, but what the world tells you to do now would have been considered absolutely scandalous in the 1700's, and will probably be completely prude in 300 years.

Why is it so hard? Why is this of all things, one of people's hardest struggles?

Just accept yourself and others.


Hi guys.

So its been awhile (sorry about that) as things have been kinda busy,  but I really hope you've been enjoying so far.

Anyway, the video above is something that basically summarizes this chapter and is something that I think is really important, regardless of who you are.

You're a person, and you're beautiful. And that's something you should never forget.

If any of you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, know that you have somewhere to turn.

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