Dante gave Sterling the keys to the car he had brought to get down to me and he grabbed the keys to our car. Dante put all of our stuff in the car and he'd already put in the car seat, so I went out to place Kellien in it.

Kellien grumbled a little about being pulled around, but he stayed asleep. I shut the door to our 4x4 and hopped into the car. Dante got in just as the rest of the family got into their cars.

"Don't follow each other, just get there when you get there." Dante called out as he pulled away from the curb and drove out.

"Is something the matter with the rest of the family? Or are they angry at something I don't know about?" I asked once we were far enough away from the rest of the family so that they wouldn't hear me.

"It's the prison. We were in there, even if it was for a little while, and it effects the mind of Vampires, well full blooded ones and makes them mean. Mum and Dad should be ok by the time we get to Canada." Dante told me as we drove back the way I can, just in the opposite direction.

"And Sterling and Elisa, what about them?" Dante looked at me and sighed before looking back at the road.

"By the time we get to Hawaii they should be ok, not great and not 100% themselves, but better. The sea and sand will do them some good."

"But that could take up to 2 weeks."

"Nah, it will take a week tops to get from here to Canada then Canada to Hawaii."

"Plus packing the house?"

"Yeah, we'll be fast." Dante shrugged it off.

"Why didn't it effect us? The prison." I asked after about 10 minutes of quiet.

"It did affect you a little." Dante told me and I raised an eyebrow at him. "Well you looked mighty pissed off when I made it to you."

"I was in labour." I huffed.

"Yes, but you'd been in there a little too long too, but once you were outside you weren't that bad." He told me and I huffed. I was pissed off because I was in labour and sick of that Graham guy!

"How does it do that?" I asked.

"Magic. I think they forced some witch to do it and then...killed him...right before the..."

"Dante, what is it?"

"Well the story goes that they kidnapped and forced this really powerful warlock to do this spell or they would have killed his family, but they ended up killing him anyway, which caused the...um...the plague of magic your mother told you about."

"My dad? My dad did that spell?" I asked shocked. "Do you think I would be able to undo it or change it?"

"Many have said that the spell has some sort extra bang to it that causes the cell mates to attack any guards when they've been in there long enough. Which is why they send them to other prisons sometimes." Dante explained and I nodded along with him. "They've tried getting people in to fix it, but every time it has backfired and Graham could never find the family as they disappeared." He said as he looked at me.

"So do you think I could be the key to ending the hold that town has on the vampires?"

"Yes, you or..."

"Kellien." I finished Dante's thought process as I looked back at my sleeping son. He seemed so small and peaceful just lying in his car seat. To think, he has such a big responsibility on his shoulders. My poor baby.

"I wish he didn't have such a set future and wasn't hunted." I sighed as I looked at my son. It was funny to call him my son when I was barely 18. I've been 18 for a few weeks now. We ended up skipping both our birthdays really and I hated that Sterling had spent his in Prison.

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