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I walked into her room and noticed that it was as gothic as her, it really suited who she was and it looked quite similar to mine, but hers had a more feminine touch to it. Her bed was a beautiful four poster with a heavy black velvet canopy. She sat me down and cuddled a black bunny, furry bones, plush gothic rabbit soft toy and it was pink and black with fake stitches in it. It was cute, in an odd way.

She sat down with her back to the headboard and crossed her legs in front of her. She picked at the bunny’s ear and sighed before looking up at me. I sat on the bed, near the end and looked at her. She followed me with her eyes.

“So what do you know?” She asked me.

“You’re a witch and so are your parents.”

"Yeah, my dad was a warlock and I'm a 10th generation witch on my mother's side." She said to me.

"So what magic can you do?" She smiled at me and put her hand out with her palm out towards me. She said 'Incendia' and an open flame came ablaze in her hand. It flickered and danced on her hand. She cupped her hands together and blew at the flames. It left her hands and danced in the air looking like a dragon. She used her finger to lead it around before swirling her other hand to make a wall of water and she led the dragon into the fire, putting it out.

She waved away the water and opened her palm again before swirling her finger above it to create a mini tornado. She cut her hand across it and it went. She looked at me and my gold chain around my neck came undone before she crocked her finger to bring it to her. She twirled it in the air and then floated it back over to me.

She then pointed her palms down and her body floated into the air. She pulled her hands up to stop herself floating up too high and then she came back down again. She looked at me again and I felt something push me. I ended up on my knees in front of her and she giggled as she got up on her knees too to look at me. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"That's just a little bit of what I can do."

"You really are powerful, aren't you?"

"Yep," She popped the 'p' and smiled at me.

"Do you care that I'm a vampire?"

"I'm a witch, why should I?"

"Do you mind that you're my soul mate?" I asked her and she sighed as she looked at me.

"I'm a little concerned and worried that we'll end up going too fast, but I feel something for you." She told me truthfully and I smiled at her.

"I promise, we won't go too fast, but right now I want to kiss you." I whispered to her in her ear and kissed her earlobe before kissing down her jawline. She moaned and gasped as her hands fisted in the back of my shirt. I nibbled at her lower lip and then kissed her. She raked her fingers through my hair and pulled me to her as I cupped her face with my hands. My tongue slipped through her mouth and toyed with hers as I pulled her as close to me as I could. I kissed her neck, over the hickie I'd left before and made it a little darker before pulling back.

"Oh man," She sighed as she rested her head against my shoulder and breathed in deep. "We can't kiss like that all the time." She said to me as she lifted her head up to look at me.

"Does that mean you want to kiss me again?"

"Date me first." She giggled and then pulled away from me. "You should go."

"Fine, but I'll see you tomorrow." I sighed as I got up and went over to the balcony door. She sat on the bed and watched me. "And be prepared for a huge surprise." I winked at her causing her to smile and then I left her.

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